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Test Subjects – Canadians Be Aware: Europe’s vaccination card could be visiting you soon




“The digital vaccination passport is a technical means to override personal freedoms, such as the right to say no to a vaccination,” Dutch attorney Meike Terhorst said. “It is a means to turn free human beings into ‘slaves.’ This digital vaccination passport has been planned many years in advance by the globalists.”

“What is he writing about this time again?” you might be asking. I am talking about a pilot program with a global plan to roll out injection cards universally. Let us get right into it.

Five European Union (EU) countries in September will pilot the newly developed European Injection Card or according to the architects of the European Vaccination Card (EVC), which their claim aims to empower individuals by consolidating all their vaccination data in one easily accessible location, (aka for the greater good).

The five players are: Belgium, Germany, Greece, Latvia, and Portugal who will test the new card in a variety of formats, including: printed cards, mailed copies, and digital versions for smartphones.

Take special note that the plans will be made public in 2026, extending the EVC system beyond the pilot phases and enabling broad adoption across all EU Member States.

Canadians, take notice and remember now is your chance to reject this evil, because you can trust and believe it will surface from your government to you in no time. They are counting on you being asleep, and not noticing the subtle changes.

Here are some more planners and players in this diabolical chess game. The EVC is based on the World Health Organization’s (WHO) Global Digital Health Certification Network (GDHCN). The EU and WHO co-launched the GDHCN in June 2023 to promote a global interoperable digital vaccine passport, based on the EU’s digital health certificate launched during the plandemic.

Readers, by now you should begin to recognize the kingpins and key talking points above. WHO (aka World Health Organization’s), vaccine passports, Global Digital Health Certification Network (GDHCN). As we dive deeper, the picture will be less blurred.

As we speak, the Canadian so-called mainstream media is singing a “Bird Flu” tune in our ears. Where is this melody going? Who is the arranger, and who is waiting to pick up the Grammy for the next song, “You Fool put on your mask and get injected” followed by the full album “Climate Change?”

Listen to how a renowned physician feels about this big swindle. Dr. David Bell, a public health physician, biotech consultant, and former director of Global Health Technologies at Intellectual Ventures Global Good Fund, said, “The proposed vaccination card reflects an increasing effort to utilize public health tools as a means to concentrate wealth and provide a means to control populations. It is very reminiscent of approaches in parts of Europe Pre-World War II, and essentially serves a similar purpose: to exclude individuals who do not follow government instructions from society.”

Dr. Bell went on to say, “The trial in Europe is an obvious next step after the recent widening of surveillance under the IHR (International Health Regulation) amendments, which greatly increase the likelihood of recurrent lockdowns to enable mandated vaccination as a way to force mass use, and profit-making, from vaccines.”

Dutch attorney Meike Terhorst from paragraph one summed up this situation best when he said, “All our powers are handed over to the globalists, the group of bankers and investors,”

To sum this up correctly let’s visit the King James version of Revelation Chapter 13 verses 16 and 17. “And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: And that no man might buy, or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.”

If and when injection passports are accepted by the people, it is game over period!! Here is the breakdown. Your captured government will make sure that all institutions participate. Those who choose to do otherwise will become enemies of the state, remember Adams Barbeque in Ontario Canada? Nuff said.

Without presenting the injection card you will face a list of NO’s. No driver’s license, no passports, no government benefits, no housing, no purchasing of things like cars, no business permits, and no Toronto Caribbean Newspaper. You will become an outcast, and just like four years ago, you will be shamed and gaslighted by those who refused to think for themselves.

Canadians, think about it!! Forced compliance is the main objective here. I was going to touch on home ownership, but I think by now you have got the picture.

Catherine Austin Fitts, founder and publisher of the Solari Report and former U.S. assistant secretary of Housing and Urban Development, said plans for the EVC represent “Another step toward asserting control of labor and travel, with a goal to control resources and assets.”

Do I need to remind you of your Uncle Justin and his Arrive Canada App? I think not.

Fitts said: “The goal is financial control. There is no legitimate public health purpose. The central bankers are hiding behind a health narrative — policies like lockdown are a way to manage inflation and resource demand when monetary policy is highly inflationary.”

Has anyone noticed recently how Canadian banks are questioning clients excessively on the amount of funds there are withdrawing, and for what reason? This is all part and parcel of the hostage life that is planned for you.

Scammers like the WHO and other like-minded agencies are clear in their intent to link compliance with centralized health dictates with the ability of people to go about their daily lives. Even whilst going directly against post-WWII conventions, including the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, and the Nuremberg Declaration they have the backing of major international agencies and the corporate interests that have become enmeshed with them over the past two decades.

These injection passports plans were in the works even before the COVID Plandemic. Development of the EVC began in 2018, according to official EU documents.

Let’s go over this paragraph quote again just in case you think it is a joke, shall we? “The digital vaccination passport is a technical means to override personal freedoms, such as the right to say no to a vaccination,” Terhorst said. “It is a means to turn free human beings into ‘slaves.’ This digital vaccination passport has been planned many years in advance by the globalists.”

This plot would not be complete without players like the: Bill Gates Gavi Foundation, the Vaccine Alliance, World Economic Forum (WEF) Center for the Fourth Industrial Revolution headed by the man who said, “You will own nothing, and you will be happy,” Klaus Schwab.

If you think your babies are exempt, think again. In 2019, the ID2020 Alliance, along with Gavi and the Government of Bangladesh, announced a new digital ID program, for which it was later announced that it aimed “to provide biometric-linked digital IDs to infants when they receive routine immunizations.” In layman’s terms, your children will be and in most cases are chipped at birth, and with each additional injection that you the parents take them to get.

You were warned!

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