
The Age of Aquarius; its time to reset for the level up!




Greetings star family!  I hope you are all well and keeping your wits as we close out this memorable year of 2020.  It’s kind of crazy that we are in the last weeks of December. This seems like the longest, yet shortest year. So much has changed since January. The world as we knew it is nothing like it was less than a year ago.

So what’s next? Where do we go from here? How do we move forward after this year of uncertainty? We stay open; we stay grounded, and follow our truth.

Many people have been asking me if I have predictions for 2021. The predictions made for 2020 came through a lot quicker than I expected. The combination of Pluto, Jupiter and Saturn all in Capricorn told us that we would be facing restrictions, themes of death and rebirth and expanded consciousness. Our Cosmic new year starts in March with the spring equinox. By Spring we were: facing global lockdowns and restrictions, death was plaguing the collective through the media with COVID-19 cases, and we had to get creative in the way we do things.

Healthy vulnerability was another major theme I spoke a lot about as well. The potent Capricorn energy is very independent, but in order to expand we would need help from others who we trust and hold us in high esteem. Between the pandemic, global protests, election debacles etc., we needed each other to stay mentally, emotionally and physically well. Our spiritual practices also were key in keeping us sane.

As we move into 2021, the themes of healthy vulnerability continue as we move into Aquarius energy for most of the year. Uranus, the planet of change and awakening, rules Aquarius. It seeks collective healing through knowledge and innovation. We need to start thinking new thoughts to create our new norm. Life as we know will not return, time does not go back.

On December 21st Jupiter will join Saturn in Aquarius for a cosmic phenomenon called The Great Conjunction. You may have seen posts or articles going around online about this generational shift in energy, starting a new 200-year cycle. We are entering the unknown.

Aquarius can be unpredictable with it’s Uranus influence. Saturn is asking us to set the boundaries needed to make proper use of our time. Saturn rules karma, if we do not use our time and boundaries effectively we will face the consequences and those consequences can happen at any time.

Jupiter is asking us to expand our consciousness. This is a brand new time, brand new energy, so we will need to think in a brand new way. Jupiter expands consciousness and luck. Aquarius is an air sign, air element rules thoughts and ideas. With this alignment, we can expand the way we think, if we are willing to stay open. The Great Conjunction will bring great change.  Despite how it appears, we have been called to create this new world. We are witnessing the beginning of a new 200-year cycle. It’s time to level up!

My predictions for 2021, prepare to expect the unexpected. Make sure you are stocked up on food supplies, cash flow and your essential goods. Ensure you stay open around your career and work methods, because we will see more businesses moving online. Learn new skills, so you can think in new ways and see things from different perspectives. Level up your spiritual development.

As one cycle closes and another one begins, we will have unfinished business to take care of. Shadow work will be a theme as we shift into new energies; a lot of releasing will have to happen. Stand in your truth!  As we release what no longer serves us, our own inner truth will become clearer. Your truth is your focal point, your truth is your inspiration, and your truth will set you free!

Star family give thanks! We have survived and creatively thrived this year. Give thanks you have life and another chance to start anew. Give thanks that you are the trailblazers, the pioneers of our ancient future. It’s time to reset for the level up!

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