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The Government has conveniently absolved the drug companies of any COVID-19 injection liability




As of today, the CDC continues to recommend the COVID-19 injections “For everyone ages six months and older, including people who are: pregnant, breastfeeding, or might become pregnant in the future.”

The reason for opening this article with the above quote is to establish that no matter how many people are injured, or killed, governments around the world are adamant in their pursuit to round up every: man, woman, and child and deliver them to their final resting place by injecting them with the COVID-19 shot. They are on a mission.

These captured governments would like to have us believe otherwise. Still, as early as January 2022, National Institutes of Health (NIH) researchers were aware of at least 850 peer-reviewed case reports and research articles about COVID-19 injections reactions, according to emails obtained by Children’s Health Defense (CHD).

There is a 309 PDF page email of injured patients reaching out to doctors explaining symptom after symptom.

One doctor replied, “Thank you for your quick reply, we will place you on a waitlist and contact you when the study is approved and active. All the best to you.”  Sincerely, Angelique Gavin (Clinic Operations Manager, National Institutes of Health)

This is the type of cold, no empathy, AI response that injured and dying patients are met with by the system that rolled out this safe and effective poison on them, over four years now.

Another physician replied to a COVID-damaged patient, “Sorry to hear of your illness. Currently, we are trying to gather information on the side effects of the vaccines. I have copied our research team, who can guide you on how to provide us with the information. Your help would be vital in this process.” Thanks,  Avinda Nath MD (Chief, Section of Infection of the Nervous System, Clinical Director. National Institute of Neurological Disorder and Stroke. NIH).

Again, this was sent to a female suffering from Johnson and Johnson injection severe reactions.

This doctor admitted that these injections were pushed on the population by manufacturers and villains who had no idea of the side effects. Readers, do you believe these pushers did not know what they were doing?

It is important to know that both email responses were from October 2021. Yet, in 2024 as we have established, this deadly poison is still being pushed on humanity, and now mainstream media have the nerve to tell us about their newfound “Bird Flu.” Let’s see what else is being hidden.

Children’s Health Defense (CHD) requested the documents via a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) to the NIH in November 2022. When the NIH hadn’t responded by April 2023, CHD sued them. In an October 2023 settlement, the NIH agreed to produce 7,500 pages of documents at a rate of 300 pages per month.

There is a word for this kind of behavior, it is called stonewalling, and this is usually done when there is a guilty party that has lots to hide from the public eye.

A 2011 Harvard study found that less than one per cent of all adverse events are reported to VAERS. According to the email, Myocarditis, blood clots, postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome, brain fog, and memory loss are just a few of the disabling and deadly diseases tied to the COVID-19 injections.

These recent emails openly questioned why more wasn’t being done to connect these conditions in the vaccinated, to the COVID-19 injections themselves, noting that vaccinated people were frequently demonstrating multiple rare symptoms:  It is emails like this that have turned tin-foil hat wearers into truth-tellers.

“The government has conveniently absolved the drug companies of any liability, and the federal government is now saddled with the responsibility of figuring out this mess,” the email continued.

It is appalling to think that even though public health agencies were aware of this information and were discussing vaccine injuries in early 2022, official government advice to the public continued to claim the COVID-19 injections were “Safe and Effective,” including statements by Anthony Fauci in November 2022.

What the world is witnessing did not start today, or five years ago. In early 2000, Fauci shook hands with Bill Gates in the library of Gates’ $147 million Seattle mansion, cementing a partnership that would aim to control an increasingly profitable $60 billion global vaccine enterprise with unlimited growth potential.

Anthony Fauci and the so-called mainstream media would like to have the public believe that he took the COVID-19 injection, but when someone lies as frequently as Fauci, it is anyone’s guess which and what injection he took.

It gets more interesting. A whistleblower from Pfizer has leaked an internal email indicating that the pharmaceutical giant offered a “separate and distinct” COVID-19 injection to employees at its Pearl River research site in Rockland County, New York, Infowars reported.

When Australian Senator Malcolm Roberts led an interrogation with forceful inquiries regarding Pfizer’s potential involvement in the introduction of injection mandates for employment in Australia, this admission came out, “Pfizer undertook to import a batch of vaccines specifically for the employee vaccination program, and that was so that no vaccine would be taken from government stocks that were being delivered to clinics as needed,” Head of Regulatory Sciences, Dr. Brian Hewitt said.

Translation, the batch that was given to the general public was so special that Pfizer did not want to touch it, it was specifically for you, the public, not their precious employees.

Many of these doctors are spineless and do not want to risk losing their medical license, so they will not think twice about your fate as a patient; after all, it’s either your life or their lofty career. How many of them do you know that would trade their lifestyle for working in a warehouse? Hell no!!

Readers, think about this for one second. If you are caught driving without insurance or a license, you will go to court and probably get fined or jailed, but no one can put Anthony Fauci and all his accomplices (aka world governments, which includes Canada) in jail as yet for deceiving and poisoning millions. Can you see the involvement here, or is it just me?

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