
The journey of an artist; revisiting the dynamic Dana Baugh


In my last article about Dana Baugh I looked at some of the things that motivates her the most in her journey as a designer, we looked at the reason for the name Baughaus and what her favorite project was, amongst other things. In this article we continue to look at this intrepid designer.

Dana is now in the phase of expanding her current studio, and this time she is using shipping containers to do so. She currently houses her studio in three of them to be precise, a very great idea if I do say so myself. People have been using shipping containers for business places for over two decades now, but in the last five years, Jamaica has made them very popular to use. In recent years, they have also been explored extensively in the field of architecture for their availability, ease of installment, low cost and dynamic capabilities to create comfortable inhabitable spaces.

Her primary container has a lot of flair, especially with the use of her colour choices: aquamarine, black and white. Outstanding graphic details on the exterior just pulls your eye in, and you naturally expect outstanding artistry on the inside.

My favorite design feature in her studio is a light fixture she made from upcycled shipping pallets, it is a really wonderful shabby chic detail in the space and it also makes for a great conversation piece.

I asked her what contributions she would love to make to our local creative industry and that of the wider Caribbean and she said I would like to inspire others to follow and stick to their dreams. To inspire belief and support of locally made products and to usher in a new wave of products and ceramic designers and producers who can help build the local creative industries.”

The thing that I admire most about Dana is that she is quite expansive in her thinking. She does not limit herself as a designer or as a businessperson. She is open to experimentation and exploration. She is constantly working on new designs, and she is also usually engaged in research about market trends. She really desires to make an indelible mark on the creative industry, and she pushes herself to ensure that she accomplishes this.

When I asked her what her personal goals as a designer were she had this to say: I wear so many hats, not just as a designer, but a business owner. There is always something to work on. However, I strive to make well-made authentic Jamaican products that make people happy, and inspire better living. I am constantly improving, while at the same time learning how to manage time and lead people effectively.”

Dana also expressed changes that she would want to see realized in terms of things happening on a governmental level “The most important change for me, would be to place more importance in teaching art in primary and secondary schools. I believe there is a severe deficit in the quality of art education. We have diminished the creativity, problem solving and detailed oriented thinking needed to move the design industry forward. We have gotten so focused on building one side of the education system; we have neglected the other side. Secondly, I would love for the Government to radically support us, by creating policies that help to build instead of impede creatives and designers.”

She has hopes that many more gifted youngsters will arise and decide to take up the challenge to be creative entrepreneurs and this is her advice to them “Be smart about it. Plan ahead and make strategic decisions to help you reach your goals. Be determined and always strive to be better than you were the day before. I say this, because we oftentimes compete with others when the competition should be internal.”

I expect great things from Dana Baugh and I am excited to see what is next on her journey, I would encourage you dear reader to check her out online.

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