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Time has revealed that, unfortunately, we have not outgrown the horrors of Nazi medicine



Photo by Austrian National Library on Unsplash


The Germans may have been advanced in medicine, technology, and public health research during the 1930s; however, many are oblivious to how dark and ugly the Nazi era has been. While many automatically think of gas chambers when referring to the Holocaust, other methods used for medical research were extremely inhumane, and much of the findings were deemed useless. Acts performed by physicians, nurses and scientists were labelled as crimes against humanity at the Nuremberg trials, influencing modern-day medicine ethics.

Despite their admittance and open involvement in such crimes, many physicians were able to practice medicine again, regain prestigious positions, and live a free life after the trials. Julius Hallervorden examined the brains of nearly 700 “euthanized” individuals and was also present at killing more than sixty children and adolescents but was never indicted. Hallervorden even received an honorary doctorate and ultimately retired as an emeritus professor. Hans Reiter admitted killing 200 people with an experimental typhus vaccine, which was also tried at Nuremberg but granted an early release.

Cited from an article from the University of Nebraska Medical Centre, Dr Tony Schonfeld, Ph.D., says, “Even in a contemporary political context, physicians may still have to make a choice whether to follow the masses or act according to their personal value systems. There are lessons we can learn from the Holocaust about what we ought or ought not to do.” 

An expert in medical ethics, Alan Wells, Ph.D., stated, “Many of the most important issues in medical ethics today from genetic testing and stem cell research to the humane treatment of prisoners of war are directly affected by the experiences of medicine leading up to and during the Holocaust. Physicians need to explore these issues without getting caught up in political agendas, or the results can be something we never intended and cause great harm.”

An experimental vaccine may not seem as dangerous or as harmful as some of the experiments conducted by the Nazis, but that all depends on how informed you are and how much you value bodily autonomy. While government and health officials claim the vaccine is safe and effective, they haven’t been transparent about vaccine-related deaths and severe adverse reactions, making informed consent impossible. Health care professionals are forced to choose between honouring their morals and keeping their integrity or going along with the narrative to protect their livelihood. Employees are being punished for not following orders despite the lack of science behind COVID-19 restrictions, vaccine mandates, and passports.

In 1938 Nazi Eduard Pernkopf became Dean of the Vienna Medical School, and within weeks, the school “cleansed” itself of Jews. Seventy-eight per cent of staff were dismissed because of their or their spouses’ Jewish origin or political dissent, and medical peers did not oppose such a “cleanse.” Currently, the Canadian government is performing its own” cleanse.” Instead of removing Jews, they removed the unvaccinated from their workplaces and limited them from participating in society.

At an all-woman camp Ravensbrück, doctors practiced sterilization techniques on women who agreed to the operation on the condition that they would be released. The doctors performed the surgeries and denied these women of their freedom. The Canadian government pulled a similar stunt in 2021, promising things would go “back to normal” once enough people got vaccinated. Unfortunately, conditions have changed, more measures have been implemented, and many Canadians fail to see any light at the end of the tunnel.

A vaccine passport was recently introduced, which requires one to disclose their medical information to access “privileges” or “non-essential services.” Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has attempted to normalize this two-tier society. The majority of the vaccinated are not opposed to such blatant and discriminatory acts against their fellow neighbours, and many turn a blind eye to the slippery slope we are on as they continue to enjoy their “privileges.”

Time has revealed that, unfortunately, we have not outgrown the horrors of Nazi medicine. There is no normalcy in a divided society, but most Canadians have already accepted this “show me your papers” society. In the past, Nazis had concentration camps; today isolation/quarantine camps have been built across the country that could be used for reasons other than COVID-19. This should be a grave concern to all.

Will you sit back and watch history repeat itself? Will you continue to follow orders and show your pledge of allegiance to a government that manipulates, discriminates, and oppresses its people? Will you stay silent if the government takes your healthy unvaccinated friends and family members to quarantine camps and hold them indefinitely against their will? If your answer is yes, it may be time to evaluate your ethics.

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