A Better Tomorrow

To speak, or not to speak; the power of your words revisited, Part I


Are you aware that your tongue harnesses the power to create and destroy?

It still surprises me that people are unaware of how magical they are; your tongue has the ability to make you the most powerful person in the world, or the weakest, and it is all dependant on the words you speak. This week, I want to take some time to break down the basics of magick, and how it has been misconstrued, and even used when a person does not realize it.

“Words that are spoken out loud can direct and control energy, because they carry sound and frequency.” ~ (Pao Chang, EsotericKnowledge.me)

I found the notes to an incredible seminar that was put on by Pao Change; his seminar focused on the general masses ignorance surrounding magick and how it works. In his seminar, he reminds students that many of us lack the knowledge to understand energy mechanics and sacred geometry. It is why many of us use our words unwisely. For some of us, our parents would remind us not to curse out people, or when we talk about people, telling people off, we say that a person was cursed off. Angry words directed towards someone are called curse words, kind of like a curse that a sorcerer, or sorceress, would put on someone. Let us take a look at the word curse for some more clarity:

Curse: (Cambridge Dictionary)

To say magic words that are intended to bring bad luck to someone (Verb)

Magic words that are intended to bring bad luck to someone


cause of trouble and unhappiness


One of the reasons why I became a writer was because at an early age, I saw how powerful words could be. Words can literally stop someone in their tracks. Think about how powerful the word STOP is; when a person is driving, and they see the word STOP, most of us realize that we have to not move, and if we do, it could bring danger to others or ourselves. Words can also motivate others; if utilized the right way, you don’t have to force people to do anything. Configured the right way, words can persuade others without them even realizing it.

 “The more articulate one is, the more dangerous words become. ” ~ May Sarton

The first thing to overstand about words (we will get back to this word overstand) is the way in which they were presented to us. One of the main reasons why we are taught how to spell words correctly is to make sure that each letter is geometrically arranged the same way each time you write, which helps to strengthen the magic effects of certain words. In the second part of this article series, I will introduce certain words that have been given their power because of how they have been geometrically arranged, and the meaning these words have taken on.

Along with teaching you how to spell, you are also taught how to pronounce each letter. Phonetics are important regardless of the language that you speak; if a letter is said the wrong way, when it is put in a word, the word will sound incorrect which is why pronunciation is so important when we are teaching children words. When you learn to speak, you are not just uttering words, but you are also casting your thoughts and vibrations into the earth’s magnetic field. Your words carry sound, which vibrates and is recognized by the earth’s magnetic (or magic field) which is the energy field that creates the reality of earth. You would be surprised how many of us are going around stringing words together, casting spells, and not even realizing it.

“Words are potent weapons for all causes, good or bad.”  ~ Manly Hall

Next edition, I am going to provide you with some words that are used everyday that have so much energy and power, yet we are unaware of how they are being used against us. You don’t have to believe my words, research the power of words for yourself, and then tune in next week so that we can share words with each other.

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