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Toronto is falling apart. Fix it! Taxation reform needed now more than ever



Photo Credit: Scott Webb - Unsplash


COVID-19 has messed up Ontario’s Economic Development, built these last few decades. We need to look at new ways to raise revenue for the city and province.

Toronto wasted an opportunity in the 2010’s to build a 21st century tax base at developers expense, and to fund the services our citizenry demands. The city now charges developers for: business starts, development and all elements of the building process we need to grab the development bull by the horns and meet our city and provincial needs.

Our city structure and roads are crumbling due to age or mismanagement. Contractors and developers have built and developed roads, structures and homes without any real thought to longevity of materials; material costs and agreed upon completion dates, which are never met. Look at Union Station as an example; years behind, huge escalating costs beyond its budget.

As a manufacturer, if I am late on delivery of materials and products approved upon, we will suffer late charges, legal action and destruction of our corporate reputation. Seems these contractors and developers within the city are able to win bids, but be late and this can increase their proposed costs easily. If I am given a project that costs the customer $250,000 I cannot go back to him later with a revised price of $1,000,000.

Our population continues to grow while our roads and super structures remain the same. Toronto is like a balloon that will eventually implode due to unending growth pressure.

Recognize those elements within the city that need to be improved upon, developed and made anew. Tell the developers that if they want to do business in Toronto they will need to fulfil our requirements.

My wish is having a city council with the appropriate vision and balls to get the job done.

Toronto is falling apart. Fix it. The revenue is in the city up for grabs; The council just needs to grab it.

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