There will always be two sides to a story.
As long as humans have the freedom of choice,
To think, to speak,
Given the exercise to express,
There will always be two sides.
There will be even more than two sides,
Conflicting views no matter how the majority
Label it as vile.
There will be always a side that’ll spew out justifications of why victories must be upheld,
Even at the cost of babies’ lives and cries.
For everyone may only see loss through their lens,
Unless they are cursed with the gift of empathy. A gift that comes with shackles of breakdowns and resentment towards treacherous acts of humankind.
History repeats in front of us,
Every side will take a loss
Even though others will lose more than others.
Only karma will take its time.
A lesson for those that join any fights and movements.
Do not guilt trip others into joining a cause
Because deadweight won’t do any good for
The higher purpose.
It is better to have a few who are solid
And truly passionate.
Because there are always two sides to a story,
The struggle is too real to have wolves in sheep’s clothing.