Personal Development

Understanding happiness




“Letting go gives us freedom, and freedom is the only condition for happiness. If, in our heart, we still cling to anything – anger, anxiety, or possessions – we cannot be free.” Thich Nhat Hanh

Happiness seems to be something that as a society we are opposed to. Constantly chasing a euphoric state that is filled with contentment and many times tying happiness to achievement and possessions. True happiness comes from a state of being. It comes from within and is connected to the divine energy that runs through all of us as a collective. We can have more happiness in our lives if we focus on forgiving and letting go of the past, decoupling our happiness from outside achievements and accomplishments and connecting to something larger than ourselves.

First, no happiness can be obtained if we walk with animosity and anger in our hearts. Those feelings of scorn we project at others due to our differences only reflect back on our inability to love all of ourselves. Every situation or person that has brought upset or turmoil in our life also brought us valuable lessons that help us appreciate the sides of ourselves that may not always be at the highest standard that we hold others. Projecting anger at others for deeds of the past keeps us stuck in the past and in those lower vibrational energies. There is a freedom in forgiveness that brings more joy and happiness into our heart space.

Decoupling our happiness from external achievements and accomplishments allows us to love ourselves and find happiness in the simpler moments of life. We start to view happiness as a state instead of something we obtain, such as a new house, car or award.

I remember a time where I tied my self-worth and happiness to my accomplishments as if being the number one salesperson made me more deserving. The problem with this was as soon as that award was achieved, I was out gunning for the next one in a vicious circle of performance rewards.  Today I still want to be successful, own properties and continue on my growth path but my happiness enables that and is not contingent on it.

Connecting to something larger than ourselves can mean many things to many people, for some it is God, for others, it is the universe or the collected consciousness. Giving time to sit in the space of that divine energy and connect to others brings me the greatest peace and offers the greatest happiness.

In the moments of quiet prayer, contemplation and meditation, I understand what is really important. This enables me to drown out some of the noise and become centred on what matters. In plugging into the greater collective, I also find a source of energy that leads me into knowing that all this will end one day and I would rather pass knowing I had pleasure and happiness in the simple things in life like epic sunsets, a warm embrace and a sweet smile from a stranger.

We can stop connecting happiness to something we achieve and realize we don’t need to pursue happiness, it can be accessed from within at any given moment.  How will you access your happiness today?

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