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Upcoming Networking Social Gives Immigrants a Helping Hand

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As an immigrant, internationally educated professional or international student, moving to a new country can be an exciting but frightening experience. As a person in a foreign land, newcomers to Canada face several difficult challenges integrating into Canadian society, whether it is navigating a new city, learning a new language or securing employment to support themselves or their families. Though there are plenty of available programs that can make the transition easier, many immigrants are left without any idea where to even begin to look for help. Fortunately, the creators behind New to Canada Inc. and The Altitude Club are lending a helpful hand.

On Thursday March 24, 2016, The Altitude Club will be holding the Networking Social for Newcomers, a way to help provide newcomers with the opportunity to network, socialize and connect with other professionals in their fields of study. The event will also provide attendees with information about helpful programs, job leads and career development.

The event will be at the West 50 Martini Lounge from 5:00 PM to 8:30 PM and located at Boston Pizza 35 Square One Drive in Mississauga.

The Networking Social for Newcomers is in partnership with New to Canada Inc. Located in Mississauga, New to Canada Inc. publishes a variety of online publications that provide useful information for new immigrants to connect to health, employment, housing and education services before or after they arrive to Canada. Established in 2015, The Altitude Club holds monthly sessions to provide networking events for professionals, international students and immigrants that are new to Canada. At these schedule events, attendees have the chance to connect and create their own professional and social networks.

Founder and event coordinator, Angela Spencer, knows all too well about the struggles immigrants face when coming to a new country. Originally from Jamaica, Spencer immigrated to Canada when she was younger and at the time, found that there were no resources available to help aid newcomers settle into the country. Feeling alone and isolated, Spencer realized she needed to create a resource that would help other newcomers who experienced the same feelings as her. Soon after, New to Canada Inc. was founded.

This event is not only useful to network with other Canadian professionals, but to also connect and develop friendships with one another.

“A lot of times when immigrants come up to Canada, it doesn’t matter where we are coming from, we’re isolated,” Spencer said.

“This is a good opportunity to meet others and exchange contact information. We want everybody to leave the event feeling a sense of belonging and unity. A sense that they are not alone and there are resources out there that they can connect to”.

New to Canada also offers free job postings at


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