
Use this Cosmic New Year to birth a brand new you!


Happy New Year Star Family!  Spring has officially sprung!  Astrologically, this is our new year. The zodiac wheel starts with the sign of Aries.  Aries is one of the cardinal signs that represent a new cycle. Aries ushers in a new season and a New Year; it ignites and initiates us to new levels of growth. This fire sign influences our passions, ambition and drive. It’s time to go after your passions in a brand-new way!

It is usually around the New Year we begin to set new resolutions or goals to pursue. On March 21st, we have the powerful New Moon in Aries to provide us with the opportunity to do just that. The universe is always conspiring on our behalf. Think back on all you have accomplished over the last year. Give thanks for all your blessings and lessons.

The last couple of years have been extremely hard on the collective. Just to be alive is a blessing in itself. Now think about who you had to be in order to achieve what you have. What qualities, attributes, beliefs, motivations carried you through? This is important to reflect on. We often want to manifest new things, but rarely do we think of who we have to be in order to bring our passions to reality.

Aries’ mantra is “I Am.”  As we celebrate this New Year, think about who you have become. Life lessons have a way of shaping our perception of our surroundings and ourselves. In my work with my shadow work-coaching clients, we often unpack how life has hardened our hearts, tainted our beliefs and stifled our dreams. Our experiences shape us; however, it is up to us to determine what sticks with what we let go. Nothing is ever created out of disbelief, so if we do not believe in our dreams, it will be mighty hard to achieve them.

In order to set intentions that manifest, we have to believe we are worthy of achieving them. Before we ask for the next new thing, think about the next new you. You may be struggling financially, so you set an intention for more money, but without new knowledge, attitude and boundaries around money, you can win $10,000 today and blow it tomorrow.  You got the money, but you still haven’t changed, or you can set a goal to lose 20lbs, but without discipline to your diet and consistency to movement, the weight won’t go. It’s never about the things, it’s always about you.

This year, I challenge you to do things a bit differently.  Before setting the intentions for the brand-new car, or love of your life, focus on you. Visualize yourself with what you want to manifest. Feel the feelings, taste the embodiment of it. Then focus on how you are feeling at that moment. How does this version of you show up?  How do they feel about themselves? How do they manage their time and resources?  Hold this vision with you and set some intentions for who you need to be. The new you may workout every rising, so set an intention to rise half-hour early and start heading to the gym. The new you may be in a loving relationship, set an intention to pour into unconditional love for yourself, so you can recognize real love when you feel it.

It’s nice to manifest all the nice things. However, many have nice things and are still empty inside. Focus on the inside. Focus on your well being, your passions, your true authentic self. Once these are aligned, I promise you the love, money, and all the nice things follow after. Remember the universe is always conspiring on our behalf. Use this cosmic New Year to birth a brand new you!


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