To the soldiers on the block
Don’t you know how valuable your life is?
Don’t you know the price on your head can never be compared.
Nine months of your soul
Being knitted by Creation hands,
Don’t you know how priceless a gift of breath is?
Can’t the windows of the heart
Beyond the physical comprehend,
How short the first and last look of the world
Can get,
Why the need to speed up the process?
Why put validation of temporary attention
Over tears of angels?
Why be judged by 12, or carried by six
Over peace, fruitful life and laughter.
To the young kings and queens,
Karma would never hear your pleas
Once her mind is made up.
Her patience and chances could vary,
But even the most forgiving
Would one day take action
To be compensated for all the grievances
In some way
There would be no way out.
The prophetic dreams are caution
What surface lies to the eardrums
Saying it’s nagging
Are warnings.
Only one shot of life.
And there will be no solid reason
To ever lose it for clout.
Stay focused
No distractions
You’ll see the seeds you planted
Will blossom from the sprouts.