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War what is it good for? Economically a lot




War: what is it good for, absolutely nothing. An icon anthem that speaks to us every time we hear the song play on the radio. Who wants war after all? Certainly not we peasants, the ordinary citizens. We are the ones who go to war often fighting others with no real understanding why we are risking our lives other than doing our nationalistic duty.

Our ancestors, grandparents, and parents have fought in wars all over the world, spilling precious blood to accomplish a multitude of national goals such as: national defense, anti-terror, and insurgency within nations allied to us, peace keeping, and dealing with the aftermath of what has become common practice in our world, namely genocide. Throughout history men and women have fought for their feudal and religious masters to achieve a goal acceptable for their nationalistic demands. Back and forth armies marched trying to seize their antagonist’s property, land and wealth.

Seemingly, the only people who profited from war were the agents of war, the suppliers of weapons, weapon technology and trained mercenary forces. Businessmen who dealt in death and destruction. Nothing has changed since then, has it? Huge corporations have profited trillions of dollars supplying armies with all the tools of the trade, no matter if the armies are peacekeepers, or aggressors, supporters of democracies, or tyrants. All that matters is that there are profits to be made in the killing of other human beings. Immoral, unethical, demonic at times. Warfare has taken on a near religious meaning, with armies still fighting for: king, country and with their God’s blessing.

Since the pandemic ended, U.S. gun manufacturers have made 3-5 billion dollars in profits selling to the public alone (NPR). The United States government is the largest customer of arms dealers. 20 corporations have profited from their relationship with the American government and its thirst for weaponry.

Naval Group (French), Leidos Group (USA), Rolls Royce (UK), Honeywell International (USA), United ShipBuilding Corp (Russia), Huntington Ingalls Industry (USA), United Technologies Corp (USA), Leonardo (Italy), Airbus Group (Trans European), General Dynamics (USA), Northrop Grumman Corp (USA), BAE Systems (UK), Boeing Corporation (USA) and Lockheed Martin (USA). All of these above mentioned and many more corporations profit billions of dollars in the design and manufacturing of all things needed by a modern military force. (data from NPR Transitions).

Independent contractors that provide everything from security, tents, weapons, training personnel, rockets to armored vehicles and much more made over $50 billion dollars last year working with the American government. The Canadian government helped initiate and approve a $15 billion dollar weapons deal with the Saudi government providing: armored vehicles, weapons and equipment. The very government that professes a Canadian tradition of peace keeping had become a weapons dealer (Maclean’s).

As you can see, war is very profitable. It has always been the most significant historic initiator of significant change on this planet, where: kings, emperors, empires and governments fall and rise. Where nations fall into oppression or acquire independence. War becomes a tool of tyrants, aggressors, or so-called peacemakers. War divides, terrorizes, uplifts, motivates people’s expectations, and offers a people the right to fight for their ideal of freedom. War has its God’s too. Why? Once the war is over the average person asks questions about the importance of war, how and why this horrible thing happened. Only God can know and provide the answers.

You know why war happens right? No matter the excuse given, it is truly all about profits. Even WW2 resulted in the most profitable economic expansion known in history. End totalitarianism? Yes, and make a profit too.

Since the start of the Afghan War the Pentagon has spent over $14 trillion dollars on weaponry and military actions. War. What is it good for? Ask the Pentagon’s suppliers of weapons. Ask families like the: Rockefellers, Rothschilds, Kennedys, Carnegies, Morgans, Gates, the Bush family and so many others who put their investments and built factories that made death machines. Families that control the automotive, scientific, pharmaceutical, and building empires of today made their billions building machines of war.

Regarding weapons and military supply sales, Canada generates annually over $3.8 billion in sales, the EU a massive 11.9 billion Euros, with 29% of the entire Russian economy based upon: military manufacturing, spending and exporting, and China totally dependent upon every aspect of military/weapon sales. The hard currency that weapons sales generate internationally keep the Chinese security-intelligence-military apparatus in the black and their masters still in control of their so-called communist state.

War has become a necessity for the national economies of this planet. Millions are employed making weapons and scientific gadgets for high tech weaponry. As long as there is a necessity for war it will persist as a commonly used tool of economic growth, political manipulation and population control.

“War. What is it good for? Absolutely nothing” (cried the common citizen).

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