Community News

We need a Supernatural Intervention to uproot the Cancer of Globalism, Eugenics, Slavery, and Trans-humanism



Photo Credit: Liberty Nation News


Don’t fear Covid. Don’t take mRNA shots. From military tribunals and bring all the global predators to justice. I’m a conspiracy realist.” Vladimir Zev Zelenko MD

Last week, Senate Republicans passed a resolution to nix the coronavirus national public health emergency, their second win in as many days amid Democratic absences.

Senators voted 48-47 on the resolution, spearheaded by Senator Roger, a day after they were also able to pass a measure to nix President Biden’s vaccine requirement for health care workers. “I would ask him to listen to the people and end this declaration of emergency,” Marshall said in an appeal to Biden ahead of the vote.

It is these small wins that are going to move us through what is next. Throughout the last two years, we have had dedicated, passionate individuals who have decided to take a stand against the restrictions, mandates and vaccination, all the while being threatened, dismissed, censored and attacked for their beliefs. One such person is Dr Vladimir Zev Zelenko, a well-known Ukrainian-American family physician with over 20 years experience practicing medicine. He has been nominated for the Presidential Medal of Freedom and the Nobel Peace Prize, as well as Recognized as a hero at U.S. Senate Homeland Security Committee hearings.

Along with his list of accolades, he has provided counsel to multiple Presidents and international personalities, White House personnel, governments on four different continents, hospitals, physicians, celebrities, nursing homes and public figures during the pandemic. When the pandemic started, Dr Zelenko’s team were one of the first in the USA to successfully treat thousands of COVID-19 patients in the pre-hospital setting. He made his findings available to all, for free. He has helped many thousands of people to fast and total health recovery.

Most recently, Dr Zelenko sent me some of his thoughts via Telegram, and I wanted to take the time to share them with the community. You may not agree with everything that he has to say, but it is most definitely worth the read. I would like to present to you, the words of Dr Vladimir Zelenko.

“The US government’s support of the globalist monsters is directly responsible for the genocide of millions world wide, and this is just beginning. The globalists are confusing and misleading the American people with this resolution that COVID-19 is over and now with the Ukraine crisis. The media is the government’s tool for propaganda, suckering more than half the control to poison themselves with the poison death shot.

They are now doing the same to hide their genocidal crimes against humanity. Every time I say, “I did” I really believe that it’s God’s mercy and not me. I have been consistently right about EVERYTHING from the beginning. I was the first to develop the treatment that is used around the world to save millions of patients. I have advised governments on every continent and have taught thousands of doctors and medical providers on how to save patients worldwide.

I was among the first to reverse engineer the worst crime against humanity in history. I was among the first to crusade against the poison death shot, and its use to commit mass murder. My family and I have been threatened on every level, and now politicians and doctor cowards are trying to take credit for the courage of others. I don’t want any recognition. I want the glory and knowledge of the Creator proclaimed. Stop being a sucker to lies and the false narrative. Place your faith in God and not in global psychopaths. Your odds of survival will be much better.

There needs to be a spiritual call to action We need a supernatural intervention to uproot the cancer of globalism, eugenics, slavery, and trans-humanism. To merit divine help, humanity must observe God’s laws that were given to our common ancestor Noah. The flood waters will keep rising unless we:

  1. Accept the one true God that gives humanity life every instant of time with love
  2. Reject the false gods of science, technology, money, power, depraved sociopathic oligarchs, and corrupt governments. They will NOT save us
  3. Accept basic societal morality of not murdering, stealing, or adultery
  4. Restore a legal system that respects the rule of law and justice
  5. Respect God’s world and its creatures Simple but essential

This is a war against demonic forces that society has created through: worship of false gods, murder of the unborn, desecration of marriage and gender, codifying immorality into law, theft, and baseless hatred of fellow man. Let’s start a worldwide movement of reconciliation with God and our fellow man. The world WILL be redeemed through simple acts of goodness and kindness

I’m tired of all the politically correct rhetoric. It is time to simply explain what happened and why.

  1. COVID-19 is a man made weapon of mass murder that was funded and created by the American government and NIH
  2. The American government serves the globalist elites and is the enemy of the people 3. Successful treatments were and are intentionally suppressed. Anything that gave people hope and reduced fear was obstructed
  3. Global fear is used to fool people into taking mRNA shots
  4. The mRNA shots were created to accomplish a globalist agenda
  5. The globalist agenda is to decrease the world population and cause infertility”

You heard the man. This is a spiritual war, and as a community, we need to arm ourselves with the truth, and get ready for what is to come.

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