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What are the three types of Artificial Intelligence? Why is it important to know?



Photo Credit: Hitesh Choudhary - Unsplash


Artificial Intelligence is categorized as the capacity to mimic human characteristics. Using these characteristics for reference, all artificial intelligence systems fall in to one of three types:

Artificial narrow intelligence (ANI)
They have a narrow range of abilities. Here we find machines that can repeat upon given programs of simple intelligence repetition.

Artificial general intelligence (AGI)
This is on par with human capabilities. We can get into the crux of this letter. These are machines that have the ability to think like a human and deliver and answer questions about any known problem. These machines are compatible with human movement and can translate into possible appendages added to human beings. Possible androids, “Borg” like programmed entities. Lost an arm in an accident? Replace it with a human-like robotic arm. Half man, half machine perhaps.

We now enter into the realm of ethics and morality. Is humanity creating robots to carry on humanity’s many unchallenging jobs, or perhaps machines that can problem solve in environments that are threatening to humans. These machines are programmed to possibly look like us, act like us and do those jobs necessary for humanity’s continual existence. This type of AGI stands on a cliff placing sciences in a particularly difficult situation. Does science continue to advance upon the development of A.I. towards the third stage of A.I.?

Artificial super intelligence (ASI)
These machines are beyond the capacity of humans

What? Yah I know!

What I am asking is will a brilliant scientist with the capability to advance science towards ASI continue their advancement, or hold off and think about the consequences of such “advancements?” Science wishes to improve upon its knowledge and possibly make the lives of humanity better off. No longer a machine, but a self-thinking, determining life form. ASI will act like a God and create something that is better than humanity itself. A stronger, self-determining creature that can make choices just like us, and determine what, where, why and how to achieve. It sounds fascinating right?

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