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What do you think about getting older? For some, It might be stressful



Photo Credit: Way Home Studio


There is nothing stressful about turning 50, except when people remind you that your 50.” (M. Ali)

Been looking for a job that would allow me to locate closer to my hometown, thereby spending less gas on travel, with less wear and tear on the family vehicle. Resume upon resume sent out. No responses of value yet. My son, who has a university degree, also sends out resumes only to be waiting for some response. Is it because I am 50+ years young? Have many years of education and work experience behind me to back up my claims. My son is well educated, super smart, yet nothing after a second meeting.

I have had many responses, all centered upon what my salary expectations are. With the experience I have, one can expect to demand a signing bonus like some professional sports person may get. Employers want young low wage earners willing to do not just their job, but the job of two to three other people.

Being old sucks! That is a fact, unless you have an endless supply of money to cushion your financial existence and take care of your needs on that up-and-coming rainy day. Seems your education, work experience all mean very little to the employers of the day. If you’re a looker and are willing to accept an income package offered, there is a job for you somewhere, but if you are deemed: overqualified, to old, to young, to inexperienced, not educated enough, a high school dropout, or graduate, overly religious, the wrong culture, the wrong color, the wrong sex there will be problems you’ll certainly face. And sure, the government protects us from undue prejudice and racism, but all we need is a good paying job, and getting involved in legal procedures and costs we mostly cannot handle now, or ever.

“Looking 50 is great, if you’re actually 60+.” (Joan Rivers)

Ageism is a thing, just as: sexism, racism, and being disabled can measure your lifestyle as inadequate and unacceptable to some. We all are getting older, and those who feel themselves to be untouchable and exempt from challenges will face these in time. Problem is many of us don’t have a lot of time like the youngsters do. Like an aged vehicle our original parts need more maintenance, or even replacement, and that brings with it excessive costs to our time and pocketbooks.

50 somethings know they will face these challenges, and also realize that the costs of maintaining our lifestyles into the sixties and beyond are excessive, often not planned for, and certainly bring with it an element of fear. If you’re in your fifties young people consider you old, the government considers you a future cost to the healthcare and social systems, and families consider them a source of future inheritance. A fifty something also needs to think about the unthinkable: their lasting legacy, their deaths and distribution of their precious possessions someday. Wills, retirement funds, taking care of the kids, funeral costs, and if you’re a male the fifties introduce you to the “mid-life crisis”(who can live to a hundred anyways?).

Politicians and their political parties will take your money, but all their efforts, propaganda are centered upon those who are younger than you. Free dental and medication for 75-80 something?

By the time you’re that age your: teeth, heart, lungs and libido are shot, after all we are not Scandinavians here.

Government promises us a bright future, but only if they can build the needed housing and hospitals of the future. Fifty somethings are obsolete to the present-day economy, a future cost to our families and the government.

Our school system should involve fifty-somethings to their party, after all “soon to be seniors” have more work experience, along with an understanding of the human condition than most. Fifty somethings and seniors should be highly prized employee’s, instructors, advisors, but are often seen as potential costs, nuisance and cash cow to be financially taped. Many Fifty somethings have cash, but the question is will it be enough for their future needs?

“Turning fifty is like flying, hours of boredom punctuated by moments of sheer terror.” (Erica Jong)

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