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What exactly is BILL S-233? Canadians need to hear this




For those who do not fully understand what is happening right now in our Parliament here is a total breakdown of the events that are taking place right under our noses while the so-called mainstream media keep us busy with the Russia Ukraine sideshow.

Justin Trudeau’s government is on its way to ram through several bills that will change the lives of Canadians and their generations to come if Canadians don’t get involved and put a stop to these China-style measures very soon, and one such bill is called Bill S-233.

Bill S-233 is the beginning of the NWO ‘Elites’ complete dictatorship’s take over, where “You will own nothing, and you will be happy!” Klaus Schwab. Your money and property will be taken and replaced with a ‘basic income’ and you will be put on a credit system controlled by the government. This will be the final ‘nail in the coffin’ and an end to all our God-given Sovereign Rights and Freedoms! Please read the bill here

This specific bill is being introduced as “An act to develop a national framework for a guaranteed liveable basic income,” in Canada, but in reality, it is a catalyst to make you the property of the state literally.

To begin with, it sounds inviting, but let’s take a look at the grand scheme of things here. If Canadians surrender their independence to a government that promises everyone a “liveable basic income,” please ask yourself what will happen to those who choose to continue making a living on their own, like small business owners, etc.?

We have recently seen what happens to folks who did not dance to the Prime Minister’s drum in Ottawa. Will those who choose not to participate in the “Basic income scheme” be demonized by the fake media, have their assets seized followed by a beating from the police? These are the questions Canadians need to ask themselves and their Members of Parliament quickly, that will be for those members of Parliament who are not working for Klaus Schwab.

Here is part of a letter written by a concerned member of the Canadian community. I would urge all Canadians to read.

Dear Senators,

“I encourage you to Oppose Bill S-233 which violates a democratic society and will lead only to human slavery, genocide, world destruction, and deviation from the Prime Creator’s intention for all humanity to live a natural, healthy, abundant life, where all we need is provided in nature. The following is how we arrived at this point and why you/we must put an end to this Agenda and WWIII NOW:

First, understand that the demonic forces must publicly announce their plans, so if the peoples accept their plan with informed consent, they have willingly handed over their Divine Rights and Freedoms. They cannot usurp or steal it from anyone without their consent. If these measures are forced upon the public, who were not informed or do not consent, liability and accountability are on the head of everyone who aids, abets, and/or perpetrates these crimes.”

The writer closed by telling Canadians “I Do Not Consent!” is our weapon of choice.

Why is Canada’s government so hell-bent on destroying Canadians?

Concerned Canadians are urged to use this letter as a rubric and write to their parliamentarians, Senators, and MPs immediately.

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