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What is COVID-19 Anxiety Syndrome, and could you be suffering from it?




Let’s start by saying that if anyone in this present time is having anxiety attacks caused by the fear mongering of these present situations, please choose what you watch on TV wisely. Do not pay to be frightened, period.

As the cat and mouse game of tightened and release lockdowns continues, more and more people are now finding themselves being victims of mental abuse. These once healthy folks are now suffering from what is called anxiety syndrome, caused by repetitive scare tactics of all sorts.

Anxiety syndrome is an emerging phenomenon defined by compulsive symptom checking and avoiding leaving the house, even when the health risks are minimal.

It has been well over a year now since humanity has come under attack from what according to some doctors is the equivalent of an annual flu. Of course, just like an annual flu, if one has underlying health conditions it can be worrisome, but this worry seems to have no end.

From restricted travel, lockdowns, mask mandates, and physical distancing protocols that were all implemented as a tactic to slow the spread, all to no positive or sensible avail.

Every day, just like cunning snakes depending on whose narrative you are listening to, the story changes. If you are listening to the WHO there have been over 150 million confirmed cases, with just over 3 million deaths attributed to the disease. If you are listening to the CDC, in some countries, such as the United States, the rate of new SARS-CoV-2 infections is gradually declining.

This decrease is likely due to increased herd immunity some have said, and the introduction of injections. To date, approximately a billion injections have been administered across the globe, yet the carnage of death continues even after accepting the injections. This has left some fearful indeed, and with good reason too.

Some of the symptoms of this fear mimic those of other mental health conditions, including: anxiety, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), and obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD).

Here are some more symptoms that people affected by this type of fear experiences: avoidance, worrying, and threat monitoring (combined).

Investigators note that people with this syndrome tend to experience increased post-traumatic stress, general stress, anxiety, health anxiety, and suicidal ideation.

Psychologist and well-being consultant Lee Chambers (M.Sc., M.B.Ps.S.) weighed in on how to manage this emerging mental health challenge.

He noted that research into COVID-19 anxiety syndrome is still at a very early stage, so people need to consider a range of complex factors.

“Some of the potential reasons why this may happen include high levels of exposure to social media and news, disruption to routines and anchors caused by lockdowns and restrictions, and difficulties disengaging from the threatening stimuli, including [virus] variants and the situation in other countries,” Chambers explained.

That being said, it is extremely unconscionable for those in mainstream media to keep up the fear mongering parade knowing fully well that children especially are very vulnerable, and this can lead to mental breakdowns as well as suicide for them.

What about empathy? What about integrity, and most of all moral standards? The children that these news agencies keep frightening day in and day out are the future of tomorrow.

In times like these, our world, our children need truthful answers now, not the continual concocted lies that have been going on for fourteen months with no end in sight.

Some humans seem to forget that just like corned beef and sardines, everything has an expiry date, including evil.

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