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Where is the retribution? Governments and doctors need to be held accountable for enforcing a deadly drug on their citizens




“Everyone involved needs to be made an example of.”

What am I talking about here you might ask? I am talking about the massive numbers of sick and dead people we are having to deal with as a: community, a nation, a country, a continent, and a world, all since the rollout of the experimental COVID-19 injections worldwide.

Let’s start with the sudden deaths of Canadian doctors at an alarming rate, shall we? I am just wondering what caused the death of 54-year-old Dr. Philip Boll, a nephrologist at Trillium Health who died suddenly on March 24th, 2024.

As far back as October 15th, 2022, Dr. William Makis wrote a very concerning letter to CMA (aka Canadian Medical Association). In this letter, Makis expressed his alarm at the 32 “young” Canadian doctors who had died suddenly since the rollout of the COVID-19 injections.

“There has been tremendous interest worldwide in what is killing Canada’s fully vaccinated COVID-19 young doctors. Unfortunately, Canada’s healthcare leaders including CMA do not share this interest. Both of you failed, or refused to respond to my letter, you also failed, or refused to respond to the inquiries made by American philanthropist Steve Kirsch as well as inquiries by journalists.”

“I am now providing you with an update about 80 young Canadian doctors who died suddenly or unexpectedly since the rollout of the COVID-19 vaccines. Four more doctors have died since my previous letter and these unexpected deaths are accelerating, you cannot continue to ignore this,” Dr Makis concluded in his letter to the CMA.

It is important to note here that with all that is being presented to CMA, they continued to ignore this doctor’s warning.

“My team and I have assembled a database of 1,638 Canadian doctor deaths from 2019 to 2022, with 922 of them from CMA’s website,” shared Dr. Makis.

Canadians, have you ever heard our so-called mainstream media talk about this? Maybe it is their best-kept secret, or better still could it be mis and disinformation?

Remember Anthony Fauci, Theresa Tam, and all those people who were trying to ram science down the public’s throat, calling those who refused the COVID-19 injections anti vaxxers? Well, well, well. Let us go ringside to hear what a certified scientist has to say about all their so-called scientific made-up lies.

Dr. Ryan Cole is the CEO and Medical Director of Cole Diagnostics, one of the largest independent labs in the State of Idaho. Dr. Cole is a Mayo Clinic-trained Board-Certified Pathologist.

“We need to stop the insanity immediately. This is over. Game over. This is no longer good science. This is a poisonous attack on our population, and it needs to stop now!”

“Where’s the funding for real science? We’re spending billions on advertising the “clot shots” to children. When a new unapproved drug hits the market, we need to use the French legal system: guilty until proven innocent, and we are doing just the opposite right now.”

Dr. Cole went on to educate many by calling out the outright lies these so-called scientists and politicians told the public.

“Why in the world would we put a toxin into the human body that is going to disrupt the blood vessels in your brain, allow the spike in there, and cause inflammation? This isn’t a vaccine. They keep lying to the public by calling this a vaccine. It’s an experiment on humanity.”

For those who are wondering why many of our loved ones keep dropping like flies around us daily, here is what Dr. Cole had to say. “These spike proteins cause damage in multiple organs, including the heart, which is what we are now seeing in children who are injured by the shots. Once you have heart damage the heart does not heal itself. The heart is damaged forever. We’re ruining kids’ hearts for life with these shots.”

He stated that he has seen a 10-to-20-fold increase in uterine cancer in the last six months since the shots came out. Can anyone imagine what the ratio of cancer is? What about long-term studies on issues such as fertility, cancer, etc.?

There are none. “We don’t know,” Dr. Cole said.

Remember the damage that Dr. Cole explained the spike protein caused? If you think that this concoction is in only one of the COVID-19 vaccines, think again.

According to Dr. Sherri Tenpenny, this vile stuff is in every vaccine. J&J – Johnson and Johnson – uses adenovirus and transgene to create the spike protein.

AZ – AstraZeneca – uses adenovirus and transgene to create spike proteins (puts vaccine patients at high risk of blood clots). Pfizer and Moderna – use mRNA to create the spike protein.

This information comes compliments of the “20 Mechanisms of Injuries (MOI) How COVID-19 Injections Can Make You Sick; Even Kill You,” by Dr. Sherri Tenpenny.

In men, the spike protein can bind to the ACE2 receptor on sperm. The risk of infertility is indicated. I wonder why all of a sudden, the breast cancer rates are rising. With spike protein that lodges itself in almost all of your vital organs and tissues, I believe we know the answer.

In the Pfizer study, there was a 16% decline in fertility of the rats that were experimented on, but doctors keep encouraging women to get the vaccine, and they do so even if these women are pregnant. I wonder why there has been a rise in miscarriages among young, injected women.

Where is the hotshot investigative reporters, you might ask? This same media is now going for a second round of fear mongering. This time it is not COVID, but the BIRD FLU hoax. I can bet the new BIRD FLU injections are ready, safe, and effective.

Now after being presented with all this professional medical evidence the question is, shouldn’t the public hold those who willfully misled, lied to them, and poisoned them accountable?

There must be retribution. Parking tickets have fines attached; folks go to jail every day for things like spousal abuse, so why should: Premiers, Mayors, Chief Medical Officers, Big Pharma, collusive media, and Prime Ministers walk free among us after poisoning and killing our friends and family members.

WHY? Canadians ask yourself WHY?

1 Comment

  1. steven kaszab

    July 11, 2024 at 2:19 pm

    Regarding article forcing a deadly drug onto the community at large. The first thing a corporation does before devising such a vaccine is to acquire legal immunity from the government. Government’s do the very same passing legislation guarding against any possible lawsuits(retribution).

    This particular ship has sailed a long time ago. The public became the incubator for these vaccines and medications. The average job has no restitution to find and moneys they would spend on this search can be spend better elsewhere.

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