Junior Contributors

Why the right backpack matters for your child’s well-being




As summer winds down and the school year approaches, it’s time to think about one of the most crucial aspects of your child’s school gear: their backpack. This seemingly simple item can play a huge role in your child’s comfort and health throughout the year. Dr. Guillaume Corbin, a chiropractor and president of the Association des Chiropraticiens du Québec, offers some eye-opening insights into why choosing the right backpack matters and how to make the best choice.

Imagine your child stepping into school with a backpack that fits perfectly, feels like a breeze, and looks fantastic. It’s not just a dream—choosing the right backpack can make this a reality. Many students, however, face issues with backpacks that are either too heavy or poorly designed. Dr. Corbin notes that a common problem is children wearing their backpacks over just one shoulder. This practice, combined with an overloaded bag, can cause them to lean awkwardly forward or to one side. Over time, this can lead to significant discomfort, including shoulder and neck pain, and even headaches.

The signs of a problematic backpack can be subtle yet significant. If your child often leans forward or sideways while carrying their bag, or if they find themselves constantly adjusting one shoulder to keep the strap from slipping, these could be indicators of a poor fit. Likewise, if your child frequently complains of back, neck, or shoulder pain, or if they have to support the backpack with one hand to alleviate pressure, it’s a strong signal that their backpack needs a reassessment. Additionally, painful red marks on their shoulders, or a bag that bounces against their buttocks as they walk are clear signs that the backpack is either too heavy, or improperly adjusted.

So, how can you ensure that your child’s backpack supports their well-being rather than detracting from it? Dr. Corbin advises focusing on several key features when selecting a backpack. First, opt for a backpack made from lightweight but durable materials. This will ensure that the bag doesn’t add unnecessary weight. Look for backpacks with wide, padded, and adjustable straps to help distribute the weight evenly and prevent shoulder discomfort. A padded back is also crucial for added comfort and support. Additionally, choose a bag with multiple compartments to help distribute the weight more evenly and ensure that the backpack’s size is appropriate—neither too big nor too small.

By paying attention to these details, you can help your child start the school year with a backpack that is not only stylish but also kind to their body. A well-chosen backpack will make the daily trek to school more comfortable and support your child’s health throughout the year.


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