Community News

Women need to know their place within the community; Wait! Read on!




“A strong woman is a woman that is determined to do something that others are determined must not be done” M. Percy

Men dictating to women. Whether they are politically on the left, or the right, these men still see women as possessions, things that they can still micromanage with undue influence and legislative pressure.

A new law in Brazil will tighten rules on abortion. This is not a surprise as the present-day administration in Brazil is a mini me of America’s Administrations. Whether Republican, or Democrat religious conservatism is laying the ground rules for a return to what they believe was a “civilized society” ruled by moral, religious and almost puritan guidelines.

The proposed new Brazilian Law will impose prison sentences on rape survivors who seek termination. Under the law, rape survivors who seek termination after 22 weeks would face prison sentences of up to 20 years, exceeding the highest sentence someone can get for rape itself (15 years). For many young rape victims this will be impactful since they may well not know they are indeed pregnant for some time ultimately seeking an abortion far beyond the legal limits.

This law mirrors similar legislative attempts in other Latin American nations and many US States too. The religious oligarchs have the financial influence needed to sway many of our politicians towards more moral-religious approved legislation. Reproductive rights, financial, social equality are all under assault from a movement determined to turn back time to a time of mythologically perceived social peace and control.

What do they want; they want:

  • Women belong at home with their children awaiting their husbands return from a difficult day at work.
  • Social and racial issues are best discussed endlessly, with no protests or violence threatened.
  • Law and order must always be respected. Cooperation advised.

Women need to know their place within the community. Unemployment ended by having women stay at home while the husband goes to a job, ending the opioid pandemic and social criminality through the implementation of the death penalty. Evil must be eradicated and not transformed, so an end to rehabilitation and mass imprisonment of criminals. Fortress America with its allies will lead the way for its corporate colonization of the unbelieving world.

We are told that women think differently than men. Why then are there cultures that encourage women to submit their rights, dreams and aspirations to what men want? If women could be as: adventurous, aggressive, determined and competitive as men, the world would be a different place, right? As long as women allow religion, prejudice and male misogynist culture to rule their lives they will remain second class citizens.

No matter a woman’s religious, or political viewpoint, men will always be seen as superior to them: financially, politically or socially! You do not agree with that statement? Then get off your ass, stop eating those bonbons and initiate change within your neighborhood. There are more women on this planet than there are males. You outnumber men! Only women with like-minded men can end the present political movements hoping to return to the past when women, non-Whites and those different did as they were told.

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