Community News

Working behind the scenes to ensure that those in power respect human dignity and individual rights!




Our history is full of heroic individuals who have dedicated their lives to fighting for causes they believed in. For there to be such tremendous change in society there has to be a collective of citizens who are willing to dedicate their time, energy, and sometimes their lives, to making it happen. This year, there is a group of individuals who have been working on the behalf of humanity; CitizenGo has done incredible work, and I want to share with our community what they have done, because they need to be celebrated.

CitizenGO is a community of active citizens who work together, using online petitions and action alerts as a resource, to defend and promote life, family, and liberty. They work to ensure that those in power respect human dignity and individual rights. CitizenGo is worldwide and offers their campaigns in twelve languages: English, Spanish, French, Portuguese, Italian, German, Polish, Russian, Croatian, Hungarian, Dutch and Slovak.

Their headquarters is located in Madrid, but they have team members located in fifteen cities on three continents. Their work is only possible thanks to a large network of thousands of volunteers all over the world. Their Board of Trustees is composed of: Ignacio Arsuaga, Blanca Escobar, Luca Volonte, Brian Brown, Gualberto García, Alexey Komov, Alejandro Bermudez and Carlos Polo.

They have had an extraordinary year; let’s take a look at some of what they have accomplished:

Africa – Despite a lot of pressure from well-organized pro-abortion groups who have been funding abortion and sexualization campaigns across Africa, they managed to defeat abortion bills planted in Kenya, Malawi and Namibia. They also defeated a move by the atheists in Kenya to scrap religious freedom in the country.

Dominican Republic – The abortion bill was rejected by 115 of the 190 MP. CitizenGO was campaigning there and participated in a rally. Finally, they reached their goal: to keep Dominican laws that protect human life.

European Union – In May, the EU had the intention of calling abortion a ‘human right’ and to approve the so-called Matic Report, a document that represents one of the most violent attacks on the life of the unborn in the European Union’s history. They managed to organize and carry their message all the way to Brussels, where they delivered more than 415,000 signatures against the Matic Report.

Honduras – In January, they contributed to obtaining a constitutional reform that protects the life of the unborn from conception.

Mexico – While Mexican people suffered a tragedy of many lost lives due to the pandemic, Congress of the State of Quintana Roo initiated the bill that would allow abortion up to birth. Despite the violence deployed by feminist groups who invaded and occupied the Parliament, CitizenGo wasted no time to stand firm in protecting the life of unborn babies, and they won! They also launched a successful Twitter campaign to bury the bill that attempted to censor priests and pastors to preach about LGBT issues.

Northern Ireland – We put pressure on the Northern Ireland Assembly to support a bill designed to curb the extreme abortion laws imposed upon the province by the United Kingdom, which allowed for babies with disabilities such as Downs Syndrome, cleft lip and club foot to be aborted right up until birth. The bill was passed and now has gone through the Committee Stage; so disabled babies in Northern Ireland are a step closer to safety.

Pakistan – In 2014, a Pakistani couple Shagufta Kausar and Shafqat Emmanuel, were sentenced to death by hanging on false blasphemy charges. CitizenGo launched an international petition asking for their immediate release, and they were thrilled that the Lahore High Court had overturned the death sentence this year. The couple is in an asylum in Europe now. 

Spain – This year, they played a vital role in two essential elections: in Madrid and Catalonia. They helped to ensure that their values were represented in these places better than ever before. Unfortunately, the social-communist government of Spain approved euthanasia, but they have managed to get the main opposition party to appeal it as unconstitutional. And although, on the surface, a minor victory, they also achieved a huge win for education in Spain: A schoolteacher was fired for saying that there are only two sexes: male and female, but the pressure exerted by citizens from CitizenGO got him reinstated!

United Kingdom – They started a petition to stop an extreme assisted suicide bill from becoming law and increased the pressure on Boris Johnson. He eventually announced his opposition to the legalization of euthanasia.

United Nations – They mobilized support for the Holy See to be enjoined in the World Health Organization’s board as a permanent representative. Despite many pushbacks from the radical leftists who consider the Holy See a threat, they emerged victoriously. The Holy See establishes treaties and concordats with other sovereign entities.

USA -They helped raise the voices of more than 520,000 people that signed a petition asking the company to pull offensive depictions of Jesus from “Paradise PD.” They delivered the signatures to their headquarters so they couldn’t miss it.

They have shared a list of a few of the important projects they are either planning or currently working on:

  • Oppose and defund the radical pro-abortion and LGBTI transgenderism agendas at the powerful United Nations and World Health Organization
  • Uphold our on-going fight to end gender ideology indoctrination at Disney and Lego companies
  • Stop the censorship of Christians, pro-Lifers, and the pro-Liberty voices on social media and other online platforms
  • Fight back against filthy, blasphemous, and transgender propaganda on popular streaming services like Netflix
  • Continue to impact elections and legislation on behalf of life, family, and liberty

Not everyone is going to agree with the work that they do, but they are doing what they feel needs to be done to ensure that the future is a safe, and prosperous one for our children.

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