Personal Finance

You are your greatest investment; Three simple steps to paying yourself first


Life happens.

I get it.

It’s hard enough to make the bill payments each month, much less to think about the future and trying to make things financially better. Frustration easily sets in because you want to feel more secure about your finances, but at the same time you simply don’t have enough money to invest. I believe that money is possible for everyone and with a few simple steps you can start freeing up cash to be able to invest in your future wealthy self.

If you feel like you never have enough money to invest, realize that the change starts within you. The change begins when you change how you look at money. Once you understand that money is a tool, much like a hammer is used to drive in nails, money is used to achieve the financial goals that you have for yourself.

So how exactly do you unlock the true potential of your money? When you decide to take control of your finances and direct money to its rightful purpose then you unlock the true potential of money.

Have you ever heard of the term pay yourself first? It is important that you find money from your salary to invest in yourself, just as you would pay any other expense, such as your utilities, groceries etc. Once you have cash, you will find a reason to spend, as expenses will always surface, especially now with the spike in prices resulting from inflation.

Here’s my golden rule:

50% of your income is the maximum for NEEDS (bills & utilities)

30% of your income is the maximum for WANTS (splurges and fantasy items)

20% of your income is the minimum to Savings + Investments

Here are some additional tips to support paying yourself first:

  1. Set up an automatic salary deduction to transfer money to an investment account monthly.
  2. Create a monthly budget to ensure you always have some money to invest. If you see where your expenses exceed your income, then that is a red flag and needs urgent attention. To correct this problem, see where expenses can be cut, so that you can find money in your budget for investing. Remember, we do not work to live just for today. There will come a day when you no longer receive a monthly salary, and that is when the investments that you made become even more important, by allowing you to live a quality life.
  3. Just start! These are two very powerful words, even if $100 is all you have to start; it is still a step in the right direction. As the saying goes, something is always better than nothing at all. Additionally, you will be quite surprised at what $100 can become when it is being invested consistently into the right type of investment over time.

I believe in your future wealthy self. I see you accomplishing all your financial goals and being secure in your personal finances.



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