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39-page report calls out GARM for using its market power to silence disfavoured voices




Operating in the media space is a delicate and demanding endeavour. As media professionals, we bear a profound responsibility to our audience: to convey the truth impartially and without bias. Unfortunately, during the COVID-19 pandemic, many media outlets strayed from this crucial duty, compromising the trust of their viewers. This deviation from their responsibility to provide accurate and unbiased information has had significant consequences. Today, I am here to share news that underscores this point.

News has surfaced that in a congressional investigation last week Wednesday, uncovered allegations were presented about the fact that some of the world’s largest brands and advertising agencies were colluding to control online speech through: coordinated boycotts and content demonetization schemes.

A 39-page interim staff report was also released by the U.S. House of Representatives Committee on the Judiciary, claiming that the Global Alliance for Responsible Media (GARM) — an initiative of the World Federation of Advertisers (WFA) — is using its market power to silence disfavoured voices in possible violation of antitrust laws.

“Through GARM, large corporations, advertising agencies, and industry associations participated in boycotts and other coordinated action to demonetize platforms, podcasts, news outlets, and other content deemed disfavored by GARM and its members,” the report states.

The committee’s investigation, which focused on GARM’s activities since its creation in 2019. GARM was established in 2019 by the WFA, which represents over 150 of the world’s biggest brands and more than 60 national advertiser associations globally.

According to the congressional report, GARM’s influence stems from the collective power of its members. “WFA members represent roughly 90% of global advertising spend, or almost one trillion dollars annually.” The alliance includes major players in the advertising industry including:

  • Every major advertising agency holding company.
  • GroupM, the world’s largest media buying agency, on its Steer Team.
  • Four large corporations — Unilever, Mars, Diageo, and Procter & Gamble — that together spend billions annually on advertising.

It is quite convenient that the genesis of this conglomerate coincided precisely with the onset of the pandemic, almost as if they had anticipated the wave of dissent that would rise against the unfolding global events. From the very beginning, it seemed they were poised and ready, fully aware that people would be vocalizing their concerns and opposition to what was transpiring in the world.

In this context, the Toronto Caribbean Newspaper found itself joining a cohort of media outlets that were marginalized and, to this day, remain blacklisted for the principled stance we adopted during the pandemic. This alignment of timing and readiness raises significant questions about the orchestration and intentions behind these events, but I digress.

The report provided some examples of how GARM had tried to censor media outlets and podcasts. Allegedly, GARM and its members discussed strategies to block certain news outlets, including Fox News, The Daily Wire and Breitbart News.

GARM also allegedly orchestrated a boycott following Elon Musk’s acquisition of Twitter in October 2022. According to the report, GARM recommended its members “Stop all paid advertisement” on Twitter in response to the takeover.

It was also reported that in early 2022, GARM and its Steer Team allegedly pressured Spotify over content on Joe Rogan’s podcast, “The Joe Rogan Experience.” The report states that GARM members urged action against Spotify due to alleged misinformation on Rogan’s show, particularly regarding COVID-19 vaccines after Rogan said that young, healthy people didn’t need them.

It is imperative that we, as media consumers, remain vigilant and discerning about the sources of our information, ensuring that we seek out and support those who uphold the principles of truthful and unbiased reporting. It is good to see that conglomerates like GARM are getting called out, but is it too little, too late.

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