Yoga & Meditation

5 Key points to consider when starting a Yoga practice


There can be a great deal of hesitation when it comes to wanting to start a yoga practice and this is totally normal. The poses, even their Sanskrit names alone can be very intimidating. We can very easily tell ourselves that because we don’t look or move a certain way, that yoga is not something for us. It’s too easy to remove ourselves from the list of people that were “made for yoga.” Now more than ever, we live in a time where not only do we value our physical health, but we hold equal if not more value on our mental health. Yoga provides both, so we cannot so easily talk ourselves out of giving it a try.

It’s true that there are a number of things to consider when approaching your practice, but I believe we should definitely keep these five things in mind.

  1. Be patient and kind to yourself

We can do this in a few ways. One of the first things I learned was to never compare my practice to someone else’s. This is the first step in avoiding the voice in your head that may say negative things like “She/He is so much better than me at this.” Also, be patient with learning the names of the different poses. The more often you practice, the faster you will connect the dots.

2. Allow for smaller amounts of time to practice

Instead of feeling overwhelmed by having to do a full 60 min. or even 30 min. practice set a goal of practicing for maybe 10 min.  This may seem more achievable and you will feel more accomplished when you complete it.

3. Choose variations that feel comfortable for your body

The way we look and feel in a pose can be influenced by a number of factors like, injury, body type, height, the list goes on. If we approach each pose with kindness towards ourselves, we will take the variations that seem most achievable for us. Yes, we want to challenge ourselves, but we also want to be able to progress without pushing it, just for the sake of getting into the pose.

4. Find a teacher that you connect with

This is important because you will feel more at ease as you practice.  Even their voice can provide a sense of softness that you may need at the time. If you like their teaching style, you are more likely to go to your mat, which leads to the next point.

5. Be consistent

In order to achieve benefits like:

  • Reduced stress
  • Increased strength & flexibility
  • Reduced anxiety and/or depression
  • Improved digestion
  • Improved posture
  • Reduced pain

We need to visit our mats on a regular basis. Our bodies and our minds respond to movement. The body will crave more and the discipline to practice will increase as you begin to see and feel the benefits.

These five points are by no means the only things to consider, however, they are a step in the right direction in order to prepare you for what’s to come in your own personal yoga practice. Consider these five points as you take that online class, and/or walk into your first studio class and know that all who have practised have considered at least one if not all of these things.

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