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The Poetic Word

We all have a Role To Play



Photo Credit: Dani Hart


Comments and remarks

Being constantly made…

“Only doing this certain work will enact real change!”

“Only this is the true way!!”

“The way that you doing, things will remain the same!”


Intentionally or unintentionally belittling or disregarding different paths

A common virus of forgetting the unique gifts

To contribute solutions,

Each way that partakes

For the bigger cause


But there will be no appreciation for the quench of thirst

Unless the water well runs dry

Until everyone walks on the same exact concrete

Will people learn that diversity aiming for the same goal,

Will produce more fruits

In its own time


A message that have been passed on from generations to generations

From ancestors to hopefully also descendants

The strengths and passion that is given

Is meant for you to cherish and pour out

Throughout the nations

Continue to build and grow

Tuning out anything that does not have the heart to build your foundation


Remember you are doing enough

You are doing what you are meant to do

Don’t compare

Or allow others to change and deter you from your mission

The Poetic Word

Meaning of Life



Photo Credit: Freepik


Religions warned without faith

In a God, or countless Gods and Goddesses

Would mean an unfulfilling life.

Texts adorned with precious and humble ores

Wrapped in myrrh and olive oil

Filled up the spaces of doubt and restlessness.

Caution a meaningless life

Without something to believe in.


To have a purpose is a lifelong

Prescription to perfumes and cosmetic


Filled with spices like aloe and cassia

Represent resurrection,

Life bringing,

Purposes differ like fingerprints and snowflakes.

Not one is the exact same,

Only advice and blueprints will guide

But there is no such thing as a solid solution.


The meaning of life is unique to each one’s journey.

No need to brag, or put down,

Trading places is more common like

The fields of dandelions

Taking over the vast plains,

A river that breaks into streams

But eventually meet the mighty ocean

Of life

The same way.

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The Poetic Word

Everlasting Flames-to be Submitted



Photo Credit:


Passion being fulfilled

Is like cottonwood fluff burning evenly

Across the land.


Not being caught up by any unnecessary


No need to set off forest fires

That don’t need to be provoked,

If there were no blessings

And ceremonies that are ancestral

Wisdom led.


Knowing that achievements stack up

Internal minds

Is refreshing to quench the thirst of

Success, like an oasis within a desert.


It is a breath of fresh air to the spirit

When all was given so the fruits are


Unlike wishful thinking without

Determination shown in actions

Is like praying while walking through

Scorching sands.


Not distinguishing which water of life

Are mirages

Tempting for a taste,

Deceiving any visions.


Even divine messages are lost

If a heart

Stubborn as boulders

Does not listen to the intuitions

Cautioning with series of


A open minded being

Will have doors open.

A humble being that knows their worth

Will succeed without burning any bridges.

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The Poetic Word

Trust In Silence




When was the last time

that you sat in silence?

Where every detailed sound

From the whistling wind,

Talking trees,

Busy traffic made of streams,

Tingled the ear drums

Away from manmade machines.


When was the last time

Embracing nature gifts

was of great importance?

Spilling secrets

No human mind would comprehend,

Only the wisest ancients

Found deep in the Earth’s crust

Would tell nothing,

No one,

A type of loyalty that no fame and money

Would make it

Turn into a sellout.


When was the last interaction

Between skin and sand

Had the body had time to heal itself.

Transferring tensions into the ground

Balancing unwanted weight

Into Mother Nature’s arms.


When was the last time

Natural medicinal plants and food

Was replenishing

Detoxing clogged up organs.

Instead of destroying natural remedies,

And claim cures by injecting the body

Will more poison.


Relying on money hungry policies.

Bylaws instigating destruction.

When was the last time

Silence was allowed to answer

Mind boggling questions.

Allow silence to discern

To caution on everything around

Only silence will speak the loudest!

Trust in silence.

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