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Yonge Street Mission takes positive steps to address chronic poverty in Toronto




Yonge Street Mission (YSM) has played an active role in the history of Toronto since it was founded in 1896 as a local Christian development agency by John Coolidge Davis. YSM strongly believes that each and every one of the 500,000 people experiencing poverty in Toronto has immense value, and all its programs and services are focused on working to respond to immediate needs and help people move from surviving to thriving.

Furthermore, at YSM they believe if we combine our collective resources and wisdom, together we can reach our goal of ending chronic poverty in a generation. Through its wraparound support and services geared to individuals, families and communities that are impacted by poverty-related challenges, it offers viable and practical solutions that are focused on pulling them out of poverty.

Some of the troubling data that YSM provides on its website include:

  • Toronto is Canada’s largest and richest city and consistently ranks in the top three of more than 4,000 cities 69 live in globally
  • Toronto is also the child poverty capital of Canada with one in four children living in poverty
  • 500,000 Toronto residents struggle with poverty, of them, 37% are female single parents and 46% are recent immigrants
  • Nearly one million workers hold two or more jobs, and over two million people are stuck in temporary employment
  • On average, a low-income family has less than $10.04 a day for basic needs such as food, after rent.

YSM has developed a holistic model that focused on adults experiencing chronic poverty, such as:

  • Street involved youth
  • Families in need
  • Community
  • Community development

YSM uses a holistic RISE model of care (Respond, Invite, Support, Engage) which is customized to the needs of these unique populations. There are three guiding principles that are integral to this holistic model. These include the following:

  • Unconditional support for each individual or family
  • Commitment to walk the entire journey with each person from surviving to thriving, no matter how long or how varied the path
  • Evaluating our effectiveness with comprehensive tools to measure individual and community transformation

YSM has identified three key systemic barriers and works with community, government and varied stakeholders. The key barriers are:

  • Nurturing community ownership & engagement
  • Informing policy
  • Ensuring city-wide best practice
  • Continuing listening and relevant response

It has been over 40 years that Yonge Street Mission (YSM) has been active in Toronto through its many poverty-reduction strategies. Over the years, it has played a leading role in the City of Toronto in many ways. I interviewed Angie Peters, CEO and President of YSM. Since she took over YSM in 2013 she has been active in developing many strategic and significant partnerships over the years. Through her visionary leadership, she has steered YSM on a strategic path that is focused on eliminating chronic poverty in Toronto within one generation.

She told me of her firsthand experiences growing up in poverty and how her family was able to rise above it through the power of community. She mentioned that it is important to understand how individuals fall into poverty in the first place. There are often systemic and entrenched factors that lead to generational poverty that makes it difficult to break the cycle of poverty.

Angie has shared her inspirational and motivational story in her recently released book titled, “Just ACT: We Are the Solution to Poverty.” On Thursday May 30th, 2024, a book launch was held at St. Paul’s Bloor Street Anglican Church in Toronto in which there was a gathering of faith leaders, and a panel of committed and dedicated members of the community who shared their personal stories and experiences of what it is like to go through poverty. It was moderated by Medlinda Estabrooks, host and executive producer of “See Hear Love.” The goal of the gathering was to foster a society where equity, fairness and justice are priorities.

The promotional material notes that Angie’s new book reminds readers of the choice we can all make as we live in a world that includes poverty in all its forms. We can choose to do nothing, or we can choose to do something-anything-to help our fellow neighbours overcome their experience of poverty.

With a last name that means “Faithful and loyal,” it is no wonder that Paul Junor has become a welcomed addition to the Toronto Caribbean Newspaper Team. Since 1992, Paul has dedicated his life to become what you call a great teacher. Throughout the years, he has formed strong relationships with his students and continues to show them that he cares about them as people. Paul is a warm, accessible, enthusiastic and caring individual who not only makes himself available for his students, but for his community as well.

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Music promoter, culture man, and charismatic Artist Elsworth James has transcended



Photo Credit: Tony Eno


Artist, music promoter, and one-of-a-kind culture man Mr. Elsworth James has passed away. James was known for his wide smile and charismatic performances on stage as an artist. He had several signature tunes from: “I Love Calypso Music,” “Afeisha,” and who can forget the famous anthems “Crabs in a Barrel,” Plus “Hail Minister Farrakhan.”

Elsworth was also an exceptionally well-known promoter of Caribbean artists and their music here in Toronto Canada and beyond. Just name the Soca, or Calypso entertainer and Elsworth most likely have presented them to a Canadian audience at some point in time.

It is said that Elsworth James was responsible for introducing many Caribbean Calypso and Soca performers to Canada for their first show.

Coming from humble beginnings on the Caribbean Island of Saint Vincent and growing up in Trinbago, Elsworth was a perfect example that winners never quit, and he demonstrated that on stage as well as behind the scenes. Elsworth was nominated for both: the Canadian Music Award, and the Juno Award, a great feat considering the industry’s ambivalence for Calypso and Soca music.

I had the privilege of speaking with his daughter Afeisha, the young lady he named one of his hit songs after about the family side of “Father James” as the younger people would call him.

“Dad was the Caribbean man,” Afeisha told me, “To the community and the larger diaspora. There was not a space where Caribbean music played that he was not a part of, or instrumental in growing.”

I asked Afeisha how she remembered Elsworth, and she answered, “To me he was dad, he was my first love. He was the biggest gentlest soul and I had him wrapped around my finger,” she laughed.

Afeisha told me her dad could reach people on any level. “Especially when you are a younger person going through adolescence and feel like the world does not understand you; he was compassionate.”

Elsworth was a man who read everything and even though he was mostly self-educated, his songwriting talent was exceptional, Afeisha said of her dad.

For a child whose mom died when he was just a few weeks old, his daughter described his parenting skills as excellent. “I used to be scared of the idea of disappointing my dad,” she told me. “That would make me burst into tears. That is how much faith he had in me, I never wanted to let him down.”

Elsworth passed away on June 6th, 2024, after being ill for some time. Our condolences and Nuff Respect to the love of his life Mrs. Margaret James and the rest of the James family.

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“No way! Was that really you?” The terrifying rise of ai deep fake



Created with AI by The Deep View


“I don’t want you to panic,” your friend tells you, “But there’s an inappropriate video of you circulating the internet.”

At first, you think that it is a sick joke. Then you click on the link. It is a nude video that had been recorded and published without your knowledge, or consent. That single video has spawned hundreds of deepfake iterations — at the height of it, there are more than 830 links containing the material.

“This is really one of the most devastating moments in my entire life.” You don’t know how to react.

There is a key element to the ethics of AI (an ever-exploding field) and a key component of this ever-unfolding AI story — has revolved around deep fakes, that AI-powered capable of creating an image, or video of someone that is both super convincing and completely fake.

With half the world’s population heading to the polls this year, Sumsub, a global full-cycle verification provider, detected upwards of a 245% increase in deep fakes worldwide – as well as a 303% increase in the U.S. The findings show a growing number of deep fakes in certain countries where elections occur in 2024, including the: US, India, Indonesia, Mexico, and South Africa.

Sumsub’s Q1 2024 verification and identity fraud data have provided some key global highlights on deep fakes:

  • Countries with the most deep fakes detected in Q1 2024 are: China, Spain, Germany, Ukraine, the US, Vietnam, and the UK.
  • There’s noticeable growth of deep fake incidents in countries where elections are planned for 2024: India (280%), the US (303%), South Africa (500%), Mexico (500%), Moldova (900%), Indonesia (1550%), and South Korea (1625%).
  • In the EU (where European Parliament elections are set for June), many countries experienced deep fake cases increase this includes Bulgaria (3000%), Portugal (1700%), Belgium (800%), Spain (191%), Germany (142%), and France (97%).
  • Even in countries with no elections in 2024, deep fake scams are advancing at unprecedented rates. This includes China (2800%), Turkey (1533%), Singapore (1100%), Hong Kong (1000%), Brazil (822%), Vietnam (541%), Ukraine (394%) ** and Japan (243%).
  • While AI fraud grew in most places, there were some countries holding elections in 2024 where the number of deep fake incidents decreased. This includes the UK (-10%), Croatia (-33%), Ireland (-40%), and Lithuania (-44%).

There is an aspect of this tech that has already been weaponized in ways that run the gamut from horrifying to disturbing:

  • Non-consensual deep fake: Non-consensual deep fake is a digitally altered, or artificially generated content, typically videos, or images, that depict individuals in scenarios they did not participate in and without their consent. This technology leverages advanced machine learning techniques, particularly deep learning, to superimpose, or graft an individual’s likeness onto someone else’s body, creating realistic, but false representations.
  • Pornographic abuse: Our opening story speaks to pornographic abuse, which involves the: creation, distribution, and consumption of sexually explicit material without the consent of the person depicted. This includes revenge porn, non-consensual pornography, and other forms of sexual exploitation online.
  • Election interference: Deep fakes can create videos of political candidates, or public figures making statements, or taking actions that never happened. These fabricated clips can be used to: damage reputations, influence public opinion, or create confusion among voters. Deep fakes can be used to exploit voters’ emotions by creating content that triggers: fear, anger, or other strong emotions, and can influence voting behavior.
  • Theft: Fraudsters can create deep fake videos of individuals to gain access to secure systems, bank accounts, or personal data. Deep fake audio, or video can be used in spear-phishing attacks, where the attacker pretends to be someone the victim knows and trusts to steal sensitive information.

So, how do you protect yourself? Some quick thoughts are to verify the authenticity of videos and images by checking multiple reputable sources. Do your best to limit the amount of personal information you share online, as it can be used to create convincing deep fakes. If you are aware of any deep fake content, report it to the relevant authorities about the platforms where the content is hosted.

As a media source our number one goal is to educate the community. We want you to share this information about deep fakes and how to detect them with friends, family, and colleagues. We actively advocate and remain a supported educational program that teaches critical thinking and media literacy.

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Bringing a unique perspective and texture to art; Introducing Abiola Idowu



Photo provided by Paul Junor


There were two days of spectacular Black Art showcases on Wednesday May 16th, and Thursday May 17th, 2024, when the work of the Nigerian-born artist Abiola Idowu was highlighted. It was held at the Conservatory Hall located at Brampton City Hall. The Celebrating Black Art showcase was held in conjunction with the Black Empowerment Unit, City of Toronto, and with Abiola Idowu. The theme of the showcase was “STAINLESS” Artwork which featured great artistic paintings, pieces and sculptures.

Idowu was born in Lagos, Nigeria and he acquired his formal education at the University of Lagos and Ahmadu Bello University. His work has been featured all over the world and he has garnered international recognition and awards for the brilliance and excellence of his paintings, sculptures and 3D installations. His studio is located at 160 Main Street South, Unit 25 in Brampton where he has been offering art classes and workshops every Saturday from 12:00 p.m. to 2:00 p.m. starting from January 20th, 2024. His classes are geared to both beginners, or advanced students and all you have to do is bring your own materials.

Abiola’s work has been featured in the exhibition “GENESIS” at Gallery 35 in Brampton, as well as in the Miami Art Week. In addition, his artwork, sculptures and 3D installations have been seen at many venues both in Canada and other parts of the world. He is well-known in the artistic community and has received global attention.

At the Black Art Showcase there was a range of paintings that reflected the: creativity, ingenuity, authenticity, and personality of Abiola. His website aptly describes the: exotic, extraordinary and exquisite features of his pieces. It mentions that he seamlessly blends his Yoruba heritage with a global outlook. He delves into themes of identity, connection, and self-understanding. His figurative works transition into expansive and captivating landscapes of color and texture, inspiring self-reflection and growth. As a multi-disciplinary artist, he excels as: a designer, creator and community engagement. He writes on his Instagram @abiolaidowuart, “My experience as a sculptor will undoubtedly influence my approach to painting, bringing a unique perspective and texture to your work…it’s okay to explore.”

He emphasizes the power of art as a means of developing: togetherness. connection and security. He notes, “Just as the umbilical cord nourishes and sustains life, visual art provides a vital link between individuals, families and communities, fostering a sense of belonging and togetherness.” He elaborates that through art, we can:

  • Celebrate our diversity and common humanity
  • Preserve memories and create new ones
  • Find comfort and solace in time of need
  • Express ourselves and connect with others
  • Build bridges and strengthen relationships

He explains that he will “Keep using visual art to bring people together and nurture the bonds that unite us.” Finally, he clarifies the power of the creative process of art. “I emphasize the importance of using our talents and abilities to make a positive impact on our communities.”

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