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A call to arms in the fight for food security


In my last two articles, which revolved around agriculture, I looked at its economic importance and some potential areas that could be explored for financial gain.

The novel Covid-19 virus pandemic has caused me to be taking an even closer look at agriculture and the issue of food security for Jamaica and other Caribbean nations.  Because of this pandemic, our paradigm has shifted. This is not just a Jamaican or Caribbean crisis, this is a global tragedy, the most far reaching crisis that we have had to face in our history.  We know natural disasters have the potential to cause a shutdown of transshipment lines’ generally. The Caribbean on a whole, is likely to face interrupted and reduced supplies from its primary source of food items, the United States of America.

It’s an awful undeniable fact that we all have to face; Covid-19 has reduced global commerce severely, almost bringing it to a halt. By all appearances an international recession seems to be on the horizon.

It is quite unfortunate that here in Jamaica, not enough has been done to bolster our agricultural sector, and this has rendered us unprepared for this current situation. One thing is certain, there has to be more investment in building a more resilient food system.

Such investments must come from the private sector communities; supported by the Governments of the Caribbean region; as well as, the governments of the wider international community. Enhancing the capacity of developing/emerging countries to adequately plan for and preserve food security, will not only serve to prevent insecurity, but will better aid in alleviating a global crisis.

While I encourage international trade, I have seen clearly the importance of individual nations becoming more self-reliant. I can hardly imagine that this Covid-19 scenario will be the last of its kind in the coming years. The world has become a global village and in today’s highly interconnected world, a variety of contagious diseases such as SARS, Ebola, Avian flu and COVID-19 could easily travel across borders.

There has to be a greater thrust towards investing in not only agriculture, and agro-processing, but also programs encouraging nations to maximize on the value added benefits that can be derived from the raw materials/food that their nations produce.

For example, in Jamaica we do not produce wheat, to obtain wheat flour we import the wheat from overseas. What we do have here are a number of other crops that can produce flour. There has been research done by the University of the West Indies Jamaica using cassava and breadfruit to successfully produce flour. This production has not been done on a large scale. However, we have to strengthen projects of this nature, if we are to survive the years ahead.

We really have to move forward as a nation; it is unfortunate for us that annually Jamaica spends approximately $800,000,000 USD to cover our food import bill.  We have to aim to reduce that amount significantly over the next few years. This can only be done by: boosting agriculture, agro-processing and the manufacturing sector. This will be possible only if we are willing and committed as Jamaicans, and if we have willing and committed leaders.

Probably you my dear reader might have to explore the idea of investing in agriculture, because food security will soon be a big deal and big business in the next few years.  Without food we can’t survive, so agricultural development will actually be investing in your future, and the future of those you love.

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Written By

Wazari Johnson is a devoted writer/reporter and comes with great experience as a former writer for a major news publication in Jamaica, he has a passion for the entrepreneurial world and is the owner of Advocate Industries and Goods Express in Jamaica. Wazari is also an accomplished ceramist, and is also a member of the Jamaica Design Association.

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