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A new strain of BS, and a third wave of propaganda




When trying to find out why bad things happen, good investigators always look for the ones who stand to benefit most from the crime and therefore a motive is established.

Let’s just say all small businesses were ordered closed with the exception of a few who were deemed essential like drugstores and supermarkets, but the huge businesses with 24/7 online shipping and mega shopping centres were allowed to open, can this be called democratic or self-serving?

When an abusive husband wants to have total control of a timid wife what does he do? He first isolates her from her friends under the disguise of protecting her, forbids her from going out and if she rebels, what is his next move? He beats her up all in the name of protection.

Just think about the folks that were either roughed up and thrown in jail or fined for not wearing a mask or for speaking up for their rights at a rally right here in Canada.  Does this sound familiar?

Another trait of an abuser is to pretend that he or she is a victim of the circumstances. This is done by telling the victim, “If you had done as I instructed this would not have happened.” Or, “It is your fault that you are being locked down. Too many of you were in the park.” Sounds familiar?  Trinity Bellwoods park in 2020. Now, start thinking.

Not all crimes start off with brute force, some are psychological in nature. Constant brainwashing is a very vital tool of any abuser that plans to keep the victim scared and in a state of total compliance.

The old folks used to say that too much of one thing is good for nothing and they were so right. For over one year now the so-called high-end news agencies are feeding the public with a steady diet of fear, fear and more fear.

Fear that has little children crying hysterically if their mask falls off and asking mommy or daddy “Am I going to die?”

The sad thing about all of this is the silent punishment that has been handed out to anyone who is awake enough not to comply with this abuse. Such a person is shunned. These human rights abusers along with those who have no self-respect, are drawing lines in the sand for the rest of humanity and it’s very disturbing.

When an abuse victim has sunk so low as to defend his or her abuser, it is safe to say that person or persons are in serious trouble. These days it has become the norm for some people to call the police on their next-door neighbour if he or she has a few friends over. Snitchers are everywhere.

Sometimes most victims never see the true evil of his or her abuser until it is too late. In all this, there are those who stand to and are making millions from the sufferings that they inflict on the human race with absolutely no remorse.

Now a quick review; first, frighten you, then close your businesses, put you on continuous lockdowns, drain your savings, intentionally cause organized bankruptcy, fine you left right and centre, step on and demolish your charter of rights, jail you for no reason, then introduce (some kind of debt relief program) after which you will sign over your assets willingly which of course makes you homeless and thereby a (ward of the state) totally dependent on ………… think.   Do you see the benefactor as yet? Remember, “You will own nothing and you’ll be happy.”

If you think the enterprise is finished, think about this and let it soak in. In just over a year Canadians went from being told to wash their hands frequently to, “If you don’t take this (injection,) you won’t be able to go to the cinema or travel.” Now have you seen who stands to benefit as yet?

If so, Canadians can expect “A new strain of BS, and a third wave of propaganda.”

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