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A reset from real beef, to fake beef




“Synthetic beef is ultra-processed food, and processed foods have repeatedly been shown to increase your risk of chronic disease and early death.”

Do you like meat and lots of it too? Many people do and some swear that they cannot do without it in their daily diet, but if the architects of The Great Reset get their way, folks who enjoy beef, chicken, pork and mutton can kiss the real deal goodbye, because there is a plan to put as much distance between humans and real meat as possible.

“The world loves to eat meat, and it is core to many of our cultures and traditions,” said Memphis Meats co-founder and CEO Uma Valeti in a press release. “Meat demand is growing rapidly around the world. We want the world to keep eating what it loves. However, the way conventional meat is produced today creates challenges for the environment, animal welfare and human health.”

Eating meat has somehow managed to be tied with climate change and wanting to keep carbon footprint as low as possible, therefore, those who consider themselves humanity’s universal guardians are now in the business of feeding citizens fake meat, all for the greater good.

Even as this article is being written, plans are on the way to flood the market with genetically grown fake meat. Future Meat Technologies, a company out of Israel is nearly set to begin transporting its lab grown fake meat to the U.S. in 2022.

This venture is not just the work of Future Meat Technologies alone, but a number of companies, as well as some very familiar nefarious players who are all in on what they do best, which is getting rich.

Players like Bill Gates, Richard Branson, Elon Musk’s brother Kimbal Musk, Burger King and Starbucks just to name a few. This venture did not start recently, but was carefully planned for years and is now being executed with mercenary-like precision on “John public.”

Now, its time to follow the money with a few facts, and paint a clear picture of where this meat modification scheme is all going:

  • In 2001: NASA scientists and Dutch universities began developing the technology for lab-grown meat.
  • 2005: The University of Maryland announced working on growing meat in incubators by utilizing stem cells from a biopsy of a live animal.
  • In 2009: Beyond Meat was founded by Ethan Brown, and is headquartered in El Segundo, CA. They develop plant-based substitutes for meat, which created quite a trend, to welcome the future of lab grown meat. It takes time to seed minds. It takes far less time to get the seed money. Beyond Meat is funded by: Tyson Foods, Bill Gates, Twitter co-founders Biz Stone and Evan Williams, Leonardo DiCaprio, GreatPoint Ventures, Kleiner Perkins, Biz Stone, Obvious Corporation, and others.
  • In 2011: Impossible Foods was founded by Patrick O. Brown, and is headquartered in Redwood City, CA. They also develop plant-based meat products, and have also received funding from Bill Gates, as well as: the Open Philanthropy Project, Google Ventures, Khosla Ventures, Viking Global Investors, UBS, Hong Kong billionaire Li Ka-shing’s Horizon Ventures, Temasek, and others. In 2020, Burger King rolled out the first “Impossible Croissan’wich” in all of their 7,500 locations, followed by Starbucks “Impossible Breakfast Sandwich in all 15,000 locations.
  • 2011: Eat Just, Inc. (formerly Hampton Creek Foods), which often goes by “JUST,” was founded by Josh Tetrick and Josh Balk, and is headquartered in San Francisco, CA. They produce plant-based alternatives to conventionally produced egg products. The initial seed funding came from Khosla Ventures, owned by Vinod Khosla, one of the co-founders of Sun-Microsystems, who also invested in Impossible Foods, and is a member of Bill Gates’ Giving Pledge. Salesforce CEO Marc Benioff, Facebook co-founded Eduardo Saverin, Hong Kong billionaire Lin Ka-shing, Founders Fund, Yahoo founder Jerry Yang, and Ali Partovi all invested as well. Eat Just’s subsidiary, GOOD Meat, produces lab grown meat.
  • In 2013: Bill Gates and Peter Thiel invested in Eat Just Inc.

This is just to scratch the surface, because the list goes on throughout the years right up to 2021, and the FDA, USDA, The World Economic Forum and all the major players from “The New World Order” are inside the box. They know if you control food, you control almost the majority of humans. The watchword here is “control.”

It is important to note that one name keeps popping up almost every time funding is mentioned in this fake-meat venture, Bill Gates.

If anyone is doubtful about Gates and his colleagues’ plans for humanity, just read this quote from Gates himself. “I don’t think the poorest eighty countries will be eating synthetic beef. I do think all rich countries should move to 100% synthetic beef,” he said, adding, “The claim is they’re going to make it taste even better over time. Eventually, that green premium is modest enough that you can sort of change the [behaviour of] people or use regulation to totally shift the demand.” 

In August 2017 Bill Gates and Richard Branson invested in Memphis Meats. Between: Gates, Branson, Elon Musk’s brother Kimbal Musk, and Cruise co-founder Kyle Vogt, spent $17 million in Memphis Meats. Tyson Foods and Cargill also have a stake in it. By 2020, they had $161 million in investments for its production facility.

About a year ago it was made public that Gates was buying up farmlands all over the US, and some folks were wondering why? Well, now the answer is crystal clear; to have a farming and livestock stranglehold, that’s the game.

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