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A Shepherd who leads the flock into the path of wolves; exposing what is happening in the Catholic Church



Photo by Nacho Arteaga on Unsplash


“If an open Satanist was elected Pope, he would not be able to do more harm to the Church and to humanity than is done by pseudo pope Bergoglio.” The Byzantine Catholic Patriarchate (BCP)

Here is one piece of the pope’s advice when speaking on the subject of (Trans humans), “We need to adjust our socio-economic models so that they have a human face.”

The head of the Catholic Church from all accounts is supposed to be a respected and God-fearing sheppard who takes care of his flock attentively and should not participate in evil by any means, but could this be said of the person in charge today? Let’s have a closer look.

Toronto Caribbean Newspaper has been made aware, by way of a letter from the Secretary Bishops of the Byzantine Catholic Patriarchate which outlined many concerns about the destructive activities of pseudo-Pope Francis Bergoglio, who misuses church authority and interferes in world politics, which leads not only to the destruction of Christianity but also to the genocide of humanity.

This letter mentions what it calls a heretical current in the Catholic Church, so-called “Bergoglianism,” promoted by pseudo-Pope Francis Bergoglio and his followers, whose theology destroys the foundations of the saving faith and morals, which has a negative impact not only on the Church, but also on the life of society.

The Secretary Bishops revealed how this excommunicated arch-heretic, occupying the papal seat (aka Francis Bergoglio) not only kicked off the suicidal so-called Synod on Synodality in the first ten days of October, but is also actively involved in preparing COP 26 and has initiated other decadent activities as well.

Activities like, gradually transitioning the world into one global pseudo-religion worshipping Satan and demons, having a round table discussion on global challenges in the fields of upbringing and education, which according to this letter has nothing to do with his duties as the head of a church, but in fact, everything to do with “Agenda 2030.”

“We care about a comprehensive education,” Bergoglio said, but this letter dismisses his comments as a joke, saying “Beware! The Vatican does not organize a global action to save the children, their morals, and genuine education.

No, on the contrary, the Vatican organizes a global action to demoralize and destroy children from a very young age! This “comprehensive education” dictates demoralization, occultism, neo- paganism, and decadence of all kinds. This is a crime against children! Its association with Agenda 2030 discloses that projects, which separate children from parents, intending to plant chips in their heads and use them as bio-robots, are a part of Bergoglio’s comprehensive education.”

In these documents, Francis is described as “The arch-liar pope,” who cynically promotes sin and misuses the highest church authority to do so, summoning pagan leaders from all over the world, not to preach the gospel for the salvation of their souls at the round table, as the true pope is obligated to do, but as their head he initiated a practical satanization of mankind.

This is a pope who has joined forces with world leaders, not only in the sphere of paganism, but also in the banking industry, and potentates of “One World Government.” This is how he performs the ground-breaking work, aimed at building a wide global road to eternal damnation.

“This is the fruit of his anti-gospel, which had excluded him multiple times from the Church of Christ. Bergoglio is not a true pope, and neither a Catholic nor a Christian. Bergoglio is an apostate Judas,” explains The Secretary Bishops of the Byzantine Catholic Patriarchate, “And what’s sad is that many bishops and clergymen have been blind to all this.

Very soon folks can expect that there will be projects created, which will be promoted under the auspices of UN or other organizations for a so-called global education including the “funding” of all departments of educations, to achieve a destruction of a system of upbringing and education, and its misuse to satanize the children. This is the fruit of the pope Bergoglio.”

It has also been said that this pope is on the same climate page as the folks from The Great Reset.

Here is a quote from this pope: “The complexity of the ecological crisis requires responsibility, specificity and competency.” According to the same source the Pope uses the term responsibility in the same way as he did with the pandemic. “The goal is to make deceived people feel obligated in their conscience and implement the self-destructive plans of the globalists.”

The bishops’ letters describe this pope this way. “Today, this new vaccination anti-gospel is being promoted as a priority by Bergoglio, and the whole line of Bergoglian pseudo bishops and so-called theologians, who are in fact blasphemers against God and the gravediggers of the Church.”

Leo Zagami who was a recent guest on Infowars, and the author of the ground-breaking book,  Confessions of an Illuminati Vol. 6.66,” “The Age of Cyber Satan,” “Artificial Intelligence,” and “Robotics,” said of this pope, “It is science that Pope Francis worships, not God.” 

“This pope,” he told Alex Jones, “has a mission that is to completely destroy any remaining Christianity left within the Catholic Church.”

Freemasonry and The China Communist Party have taken control of the Vatican,” he said.

One of the Vatican’s ex-bodyguards who refused the compulsory injection had this to say,

“What we are experiencing in the Vatican in connection with mandatory vaccination has nothing human let alone Christian about it!”

He also said, “The Vatican betrays faithful Catholics as well as the official doctrine of the Church.”

This pope as recently as October 16th, 2021, went public begging Big-Tech to do more censoring of its users, “Hasten the censorship of fake news, hate speech, conspiracy theories and political manipulation, in the name of God put an end to their spread,” he said.

Here is a bit more on the origins of this information.

The Byzantine Catholic Patriarchate (BCP) is a community of monks, priests, and bishops living in monasteries. Patriarch Elijah heads the BCP, with two Secretary Bishops, Timothy, and Methodius. The BCP arose from the need to defend the fundamental Christian truths against heresies and apostasy. It does not recognize pseudo-Pope Bergoglio and is not subordinate to him.

The BCP was contacted for a verbal interview, but that was not possible this time because of a lack of an English translator.

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