Personal Development

A spirit of gratitude




Thanksgiving just passed here for us in Canada. It’s a day that many people get together with their loved ones and celebrate. They give thanks for what they have, things and people in their life, etc. It always gets me every year that we create this day to give thanks but are people grateful every day? Are people actually thanking other people in their life outside of this day? Although I love that we celebrate on Thanksgiving, because really who doesn’t love a great meal with loved ones but are you grateful every day?

Our lives are so abundant and rich with so much beauty. Everywhere we turn there is so much to be grateful for. Our health, our relationships, our wealth, the food we eat and I could go on. So how do we incorporate this into a daily practice?

Here are some ideas how;

  1. First thing in the morning when you wake up think about three things (or more if you want) that you are grateful for. Then hone in on that energy. Go into the scenarios, feel it in your heart center and hold onto that feeling as you wake.
  2. When people do things for you, like hold the door open, bring you something etc. thank them. Pass off the great energy onto others.
  3. Speak up and recognize when people do great things in your life for you, for others and in the world. The more we speak about gratitude, the more we are grateful, the more we can spread that love into the world. Sometimes that little shout out makes a person’s day and it truly is about the little things.
  4. At the dinner table have everyone around you before eating state one thing they are grateful for from the day. If you eat alone, then tell yourself. It will help you to keep aligning your great energy throughout the day.
  5. Before you go to sleep reflect on three things (or more if you want) that you are grateful for that day. Some people journal them, some people tell their spouse partner and they make it a part of their bedtime routine. It also brings such great energy for you before bedtime. They always say the more positive things we experience before bed the better we will sleep.

I was on a walk the other day and I just looked up at the sky and it took my breath away. The way the clouds were whisking in the sky, the sun about to set over the mountain and the reflection of the light onto the other side of the sky. I stood there for a moment in such thanks for being able to see and experience this beauty. It has been proven that the more people are in a spirit of gratitude the less angry they are, the less stress they are under, the more connected they are in their lives and to the people in it. With that being said, I think that it’s in everyone’s best interest to practice gratitude every day. Do you?

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