Community News

A strong faith in God; The legacy of Veronica Dobson




Blessed is the man that walketh not in the counsel of the ungodly, nor standeth in the way of sinners, nor sitteth in the seat of the scornful. ~ Psalms 1:1

To date, this is one of the best stories that I have written, and I have written a few. I would like to address the elders of our community and let you know that we at the Toronto Caribbean Newspaper love, and respect the work that you have done. Your dedication and willingness to push forward is what brings beautiful stories like the one I am about to tell to life.

We were contacted by Minister, Doctor Elaine Singleton, who wanted to tell us about a member of the community that she felt must be recognized for her work. Trish Browning took particular interest in this story and brought it to my attention. We had been invited to the 80th Birthday Party of a community trailblazer by the name of Veronica Dobson.

When we arrived at 170 Vodden Rd, on August 23rd, 2019, the room was already full, and I quickly realized that we were probably the youngest people there. A beautiful soul came up to me and gave me a big hug; I soon realized that it was Minister Elaine Singleton, so we sat down for a quick chat about the woman of the hour.

“Veronica has never had a birthday party before, and I really wanted to do something nice for her,” explained Elaine. “She has done so much for so many people, and I don’t see her slowing down. When I first met Veronica, she was helping out a young woman find some place to stay. This was my first encounter with her, and already I could tell the wonderful person she was. I remember when it came time for me to move Veronica came and packed everything for me. I don’t know where she gets the strength from.” As she spoke, I scanned the room for Veronica, “No worries Simone,” Elaine said, “I am going to introduce you.” She continued to share story after story of the things that Veronica did for others. “I remember one time that Veronica was making visits to elders, and she visited a 90 year old woman, who really needed the help. Although this woman was stubborn, Veronica treated her with love, and fed her. From that day forward, she would always request for Veronica to come and see her.” Just as she was finished telling me that story, a beautiful woman in a dark, blue dress came up to us. “Simone,” Elaine said, “I would like for you to meet Veronica Dobson.”

And he shall be like a tree planted by the rivers of water that bringeth forth his fruit in his season; his leaf also shall not wither; and whatsoever he doeth shall prosper. ~ Psalms 1:3

“What a pleasure to meet you Simone, “Veronica said gently. “Let’s talk for a minute, “and she gracefully excused herself from her guests to speak with me. “God has always been the centre of my life,” Veronica began, “He gives me the strength to do all that I have to do. I have: six children, 16 grandchildren, and five great grandchildren, and trust me when I say, I have taken care of all of them. My life has not been easy; my parents gave me away when I was a child, and I stayed in two different foster homes. I am thankful because I was not abused, or molested in any of these homes. I will always say that God works in mysterious ways.”

“How did you get into working in the community?” “Well, I remember it was after my aunt, and my husband died. I believe I had lost my job as well, so things were hard, but I had a passion for helping people, so that is what I did. I have taken care of people, both young and old, and I am thankful for all God has provided in return. I remind you young lady, never question what God has in store for you.”

Veronica excused herself because she was being presented with certificates from both MPP Sarah Singh, and Councillor Charmaine Williams who were also in attendance at the party. Mayor Patrick Brown had arrived, before we had and presented her with a plaque celebrating her life as well. We sang her happy birthday, and blew out her candles. I saw this woman pick up chairs and move them like she was a young woman; I guess in a way, she is. Her faith in God has kept her young at heart, and I hope that she is here to celebrate many birthdays with us.

The Toronto Caribbean Newspaper would like to thank you for your continued service to the people of Brampton, and we appreciate all the love that you continue to show.


  1. Avon Anderson

    September 14, 2019 at 2:21 am

    I did enjoy the party Miss Veronica is always helping someone. That’s why God has bless her with soo much strength. I thank God for her

  2. Joan Robinson

    September 14, 2019 at 11:52 am

    Hi miss Veronica you are a blessed friend, mother and sister to me may God continue to bless you 🙏 💝 love you always.

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