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The Poetic Word

A Time For Goodbyes




Like eaglets preparing to fly

Outgrowing the nest and its parents,

There is always a time

To say goodbye.


Like bear cubs learning to hunt, fish

Forage and scavenge.

Fending off danger on their own,

There is always a time

To say goodbye.


Like a baby leaving the comfort of the womb,

Praying for a peaceful transition from a child

To adulthood.

To witness the world from different perspectives,

Innocence is not a guarantee with age.


Even with luck

The terrors of the world will soak

And force eyes to open.

No one is safe.

Saying goodbyes to life as we know it,

For the times this world will continue to evolve.

Languages and cultures will continue to fight to exist,

Extinction of ancestral knowledge

Is always around the corner.


Newer generations are passed down the torch

Only they know what they can add and subtract from traditions.

Welcoming and goodbyes to what works in a society

Without destroying generations of knowledge and spiritual wealth.


Saying goodbyes to grief-stricken realities

Relearning to have a childlike faith.

Saying goodbyes to hesitation,

No more being afraid.

Goodbyes and let go

It is not always a bad thing.

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The Poetic Word





A miracle to forgive the damned.

To be set free from past mistakes.

To experience what it means to have

A second chance.

Even after all the pain.

A remedy to relieve any tension.

Tension from being misunderstood.


To walk away from the sting,

The marks left on both cheeks,

Instead of taking out the eye

To replace what was lost.

An act that may be ridiculed.


Depending how severe the situation is.

But a graceful statement may come in

Hidden blessings.

Returning the favour

When those moments really need it.


Grace is not weakness

But representing true inner strength

And peace.

It’s a gift that many will struggle,

But it would be the key to keep.

A lesson on spiritual maturity.


Though many days and nights

It shall be questioned.

Everything will make sense

As the grace matures as it gets older.

Only old souls will understand

That the youth would ponder.


Grace is like a beautiful dress to dance

In a glorious ball.

Right in the center for all the watch in

Envy and awe.

Grace is happily ever after.


Like the essence of hope escaping

From Pandora’s box.

Grace is like the heaven’s kiss,

To soothe the wounds inflicted

By the Earth’s burning core.

Grace is what is needed

In this world

That needs reminders of

What is faith and love.

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The Poetic Word




Photo Credit: Way Home Studio



Is an infected seed that spreads

Its parasitic roots amongst the healthy,

Sucking out all the energy to feed its

Hostile core.



A cry for help

Gone unheard,


Ridiculed by others

Until it is too late to reverse.



Weeping entities that grew into behemoth

Icebergs that sank ships of inattentive

Folks that didn’t take heed.

Gasping at the inferno storm

That engulfs the intended targets

And catching strays.



Sprouted by variables,

Some reasons more legit while others

Are confused because of pride.

It can be blinded by veils of blood red,

Tainted by innocence ravished

By the world’s ice-cold hearts and eyes.



Shoots out a barrage of arrows

Formed by words without thinking twice.

Venomous words at the tip of the tongue

Can cause landslides of emotions.

Sometimes it can cost lives.



Does not discriminate.

It hits harder on genuine souls that

Constantly get bullied,

Turning their kindred spirits into a beast

That will destroy until nothing is left behind.



Cannot be fully avoided.

Only reactions be tamed,

One can only fully embrace

To calm anger

Till the end of a jagged road,

When the answers behind Anger

Can be acknowledged,

Laying it to rest finally someday.

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The Poetic Word

Art of Political Warfare




War without logic,

Is like planting seeds without knowing,

The seasons in which the seedlings

Will rise and thrive to the heavens.

War strictly on emotions and passion,

Is like showering the seeds

With overwhelming resources

Without strategy.


Too much water, sun and soil

With no calculations can cause

Undetected diseases to destroy

A seed’s crucial foundation.

A society that follows social media justice,

Is doomed when things get real.


Protection warranty behind twitter fingers,

Keyboard warriors,

Would defeat the right to remain silence

During mischief court hearings.

Without teachings and common sense,

Fear tactics will prevail.


If one enters a movement to find love,

To make friends,

Dangers of destruction are at hand.

Those will come natural

But can never be promised,

How many organizers fall victim

To the matters of the heart.

They gradually forgotten why they were in

This the first place,

This journey can be lonely throughout.


An elder and veteran with years of

Political warfare once told the emerging


This war is not for the faint of heart.

You must use logic,

Must use your head.

The heart,

Is the reason to push

But it can never lead without the brain

And a plan.

Or be prepared to lose the war in a

Quick pace,

This life has no space for childish games.

Remember the people need to win!

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