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Advocacy, Purposefulness, Diversity, Respect and Collaboration

Photo by: Worship Media


Principle of a Winning Community Organization

Toronto, Canada, one of the world’s most alluring cities.  It holds a promise of a better life and a better future. There are many reasons why we as a city hold such an allure, and one of the most important reasons is our great sense of community.

We have to recognize those outstanding members of this community who go out of their way to bring joy to the life of others, and this week we are going to highlight the great work that is being done by the Youth Now on Track Services headed up by Pastor Francis Ubah.

The Youth Now on Track Services have aligned with community groups and organizations to create strategies that will divert youth away from making decisions that will impact their lives in the future. Their goal is to help young people consciously make better decisions, set positive goals and become active members of society. The holistic service approach is what sets YNOT Services apart; they include counselling, meditation and family involvement in the programs that they offer. Their programs include:

Defining who you are

This program engages those involved in gang activity and those living in dysfunctional family settings. They help youth learn more about who they are and what makes them do the things they do. Self-exploration is the core of this program, and is necessary in helping with positive growth and development.

Empower children for a better tomorrow

This program works with youth ages 10–14 years old and provides after school programs for parents who want to provide framework for their young students. It assists with individual life experiences and ways in which to change a negative future outlook to a more positive future outlook.

Learning Challenges Program

Parents are at a loss when they notice that their child is not doing well in school. The Learning Challenges Program provides one-on-one programing that targets each students needs at their core. They also offer seminars that educate parents and community service professionals on how to recognize learning challenges that our youth are facing.

Restorative justice program

A restorative justice remedy is one that places emphasis on healing the harm done by an offender, and rehabilitating the offender to avoid future offences.  These processes are in line with the Youth Now on Track holistic approach to community healing.  It has become a useful way of handling turmoil that does occur in our community.

Along with their creatively and organically developed programs, they also provide events that allow the community to become involved and engaged. Family Day offers single parent families a space to network, and engage with other single parent families. The word that comes to mind is Ubuntu, which is a South African ideology focusing on people’s allegiances and relations with each other. Workshops are also offered and discuss various topics including: crime prevention, drug abuse, job preparation and interview training.

One event takes precedence every year; Recognizing Youth Potentials & Rewarding Excellence in Serving the Community, is a community dinner that acknowledges and rewards those who have excelled in the Youth Now on Track programming. Each year YNOT selects students who have generously donated their skills and time to the program, and awards these youth for their excellence. This year’s dinner and awards ceremony will be held on October 20th, 2018, and it is supported by prominent community sponsors including: Peach (Providing Education and Community Health), Toronto Police Services, Toronto Catholic School Board, Catholic Children’s Aids Society and JVS to name a few.

If you have not had an opportunity to get involved, and you are interested in what YNOT Services has to offer, feel free to visit their head office at 2300 Sheppard Ave West, Suite LL17. You can also email them at and of course visit their website at It is never too late to get involved Toronto!

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