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America will become the world’s largest and most powerful mercenary force


Oh, America how you have changed. Once you welcomed everyone to your shores, allowing them the privilege to make a new life for themselves. America grew into a wondrous place, where man and machine conquered the landscape and your efforts fed the world and the nation as a whole, where poverty, or wealth did not make the man, but hard honest work and a lot of good luck did as planned. Americans travelled from the East Coast to Western ranges, establishing a national dream that most everyone could claim was theirs as well. That was the myth, the story be told to your children, that they too can be a President one day, both to rule, inspire and protect others as claimed.

The pathway to success was paved with the hard work, dreams and efforts put forth by people who were known someplace else as peasants, different and unwanted, only to become Americans. Many were blessed with success, while others fell to their knee’s unsuccessfully trying to better themselves but were able to rise again because of the assistance of others, their neighbors, community and yes because of their dreams to become something better, something American.

The election is past (2024) after a vicious year of politicking you have elected someone to be your leader, inspiration and initiator of change. A leader, an inspiration of sorts, a tool of change perhaps. We all need to wait for the boot to drop and the policies to be enacted at last to know whether this man was truly what America needed in this time and place.

Look to the past in order to recognize the future to come. Your President Elect has told you his plans, plans that would make America Great Again.

Kick out all illegal migrants no matter how long they have lived in America, no matter what they have achieved for: themselves, their families and community, no matter what they have given to America.

A Cabinet of “Yes men and women” whose sole purpose is to protect the President from his past, present and future deeds and make money for themselves in any way possible. A Cabinet of change perhaps, if you believe: corruption, extortion, land grabs, uncontrolled harvesting of America’s natural resources is positive national change? A cabinet full of people just like their leader, the President.

America will become the world’s largest and most powerful mercenary force. No longer will America have allies, but customers. American troops will be sent to global stations to protect others property, or fight their wars, and America will be paid for it. The military will grow, more American servicemen will die on foreign soil, and the military complex will have undue influence upon your leadership.

National services, policies will relent to State Decision making. A simpler National Government will rise leaving all issues both social, political and financial in the States hands. Issues of social concern will no longer influence those in Washington D.C. but be the purview of local governments.

A.I. will rule the online and media waves, artificially transposing government policy into the lives of every American. Why? To control, manipulate and financially profit off the American Public’s trust in high tech. The American Constitution will be stretched beyond its meaning, as a central government carries on business beholding to big corporations and their naughty goals. If America is not careful, big business will become big government, and we all know just how socially aware corporations are to the needs of our: families, communities and nation as a whole (not at all).

The future presents to you four more years of political and social entertainment in your capital, state legislatures and in most of your public spaces. Lobbyists will rule the back rooms of the capital. The pigs at the trough are your elected officials my friend, and America elected them. America can be great again if it returned its attention to what the Founding fathers hoped and wished for America.

“Freedom for All” is not a selective thing friends, but specifically all inclusive. That means those born in America, who migrated to America and are attempting to become Americans through thick, or thin efforts are one and the same. If you cannot see those friends, you’re already lost to the: lies, promises and propaganda of your present-day President Elect and his clan of opportunists.

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