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Another year, another ResilienTOgether; Young artists commemorate Toronto Youth Week



Photo Credit: Pre-performance still of SRE. 2021


May 1st-7th is annually recognized as National Youth Week across Canada, but we have a different way of celebrating our immensely talented youth in the 6ix.

Through a partnership between VIBE Arts, Toronto Youth Equity Strategy, and several other youth-centered art organizations in the city is a major opportunity for youth across the GTA to showcase their incredibly artistic abilities: ResilienTOgether. The week kicked off with six performances by an unbelievable lineup of six local upcoming artists, including breakthrough headlining rappers DijahSB and Clairmont The Second.

Officially, National Youth Week would finish on the 7th, however, this party isn’t ready to shut down just yet! Running until May 15th, ResilienTOgether’s viewers can expect to get another week filled with visual art through a virtual gallery as well as artwork chosen from submissions to their online campaign, #ResiliencyLooksLike, an outlet for youth between the ages of 13-29 to express how they personally continue to break barriers and overcome the tough challenges they face.

“For me personally, resiliency looks like looking within,” says Onika Powell, the artistic director of VIBE Arts. “Sometimes, culturally, and depending on your environment, so many things and ideologies are pushed on you. And you got to change with the times. You almost have to be like a phoenix and rise. But part of that is just looking within and finding what’s best for you in your situation, then transforming from that. It’s about always moving with the spirit and with purpose. Not so much passion, but purpose.”

Due to COVID-19, the festive event that would have taken place at City Hall alike previous years was moved online. However, Powell embraces the change, as it widens the event capacity and has the ability to reach youth much farther than Toronto.

Thriving in its third installment, the overall theme of ResilienTOgether this time around is Transformation & Transcendence.

“We have moved into a space, which is calling us to transcend and transform. This is the result of an internal pressure from the soul, one that is felt throughout the collective as we go through this unusual period of pausing, retreating and (hopefully) re-examining ourselves together,” writes Tony, (@tonyxtones on Instagram), a Scarborough artist and curator of the visual art exhibit.

He continues.

“Transcendence and transformation are two of my favourite things. The idea of it freaks a lot of people out because it is deep inner change, it can be hard work, and it reminds people of death – because you have to let go of what was there before and surrender to the rebirthing of self. The transcendence of our fears, previous limitations and restrictive perceptions is a wonderful step for us personally, but it also ripples out into the wider world. It’s time to transcend your deepest fear and transform your beliefs that have been based upon this untruth/fear and distorted perception of what was possible.”

VIBE Arts, one of the community partners involved in ResilienTOgether, is a non-profit organization and charity that has been around for twenty-five years. Mainly delivering high quality arts programs directed at youth in under-resourced communities, they also provide mentorship for emerging artists.

“We’re here to create space for a lot of artists and cut down a lot of barriers that they face that often makes it hard for them to focus on growing, learning and really creating their artwork. We try to make sure that the funds that we’re providing to them, whether it’s assisting in programs or attending a professional development workshop, there’s always some kind of incentive or opportunity for them,” says Powell. “We really take the time to talk to our artists that are from the community and say, what is the community asking for? It’s carefully curated and that’s my goal. It’s just really making sure that the inside and outside of the organization are reflective of the communities we serve.”

VIBE Arts ensures that you won’t be seeing the last of them or their artists. Artwork featured at TTC Stations, murals and mentorship programs are just a few of the many things they have to offer in the upcoming months.

Fearing that you may have missed out on an awesome event? Don’t sweat it! All of the performances are available on Instagram via @torontotyes, and you can check out the outstanding art exhibit at

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