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Barbados News

Appalling situation at Government Industrial School Barbados





That was the word that could describe the events that unfolded on March 14th, 2021 when the Nation Newspaper published an article detailing the abuse of a fourteen-year-old young girl at the Government Industrial School.

The article claimed that the girl who was a student at the Government Industrial School (GIS) was stripped naked and placed in solitary confinement.

In the article, it reported that the young child was sent to the Barrows, St Lucy juvenile detention facility two weeks ago after being charged for wandering. She was placed in a “suicide cell” as is the practice with new entrants at the institution.

“Sources said on Day 13 of confinement at the girl’s section, the child complained vociferously about the poor quality of food she was being fed. She was very upset, and she was shouting and crying,” the article read.

The report by the Nation Newspaper detailed that after the young lady complained about the food it was removed and replaced with six biscuits and butter and a cup of tea. This further angered the child and as a result, she was taken to the Psychiatric Hospital.

When the young lady returned after being assessed she was tossed into the cell naked on the cold concrete floor.

A staff member started to keep notes and said it was inhumane that she was given a bare mattress to lie on,” the source told Nation News, noting that on the following day she was given underwear.

After the story broke many persons took to social media including the members of the  National Youth Policy Coordination Committee, CARICOM Youth Ambassador to Barbados, Barbados Youth Development Council, Pink Parliament, and Ureport Barbados doing a virtual campaign with the #protectourgirls.

In a joint statement issued on March 21st, 2021, the organizations stated that despite the Minister of Home Affairs Wilfred Abrahams sacking the former Board of Management, they believed that more needed to be done to protect the six young girls who are still at the facility in St Lucy.

In their statement, they stated that they are seeking a complete and immediate abandonment of solitary confinement as a disciplinary measure, or as part of the intake process at Government Industrial School.

Up until March 19th, 2021, GIS considered the use of solitary confinement and “unacceptable circumstances” such as placing a child in isolation without clothing to be “consistent with normal practices. Thankfully, Minister Abrahams confirmed that he has already given instructions that this “archaic and unwarranted” practice be ceased immediately. “We also thank him for further emphasizing, “child detention must be seen as a last resort.” We sincerely hope that this translates into practice and is reflected throughout the promised legislative reform,” a statement read.

Moreover, they stated that they would like the Minister of Home Affairs Wilfred Abrahams to facilitate the immediate closure of the Girl’s Unit of the GIS located at barrows, St Lucy.

These comments came in the wake of the Minister of Home Affairs firing all of the former Board of Management at the Government Industrial School, an action that even his colleague Dr. Sonia Browne, a Government backbencher, questioned.

In an article published March 24th, 2021 by Barbados TODAY noted Browne was calling for the entire staff of the Government Industrial School to be sacked to allow the members of the public to have faith in the institution.

Moreover, she thought that the former Board of Management at the GIS could not be responsible for the questionable treatment of young people as it was the job of the staff to serve juvenile offenders.

“….at the end of the day, the Board is not physically there on a day-to-day basis, staff members are responsible for the alleged ill-treatment of the inmates at the institutions, and I think that needs to be addressed,” she said during a debate last week regarding the Appropriation Bill.

Back in 2015 In Situation Analysis of Justice for Children in Barbados prepared by UNICEF 2015, it outlined how the Government Industrial School needed to modernize, charging. Students claimed that some of the remaining features of the GIS detention setting more informed by punishment than rehabilitation are:

  1. The lack of recreational activities
  2. The lack of sufficient and consistent programming both educational and vocational
  3. The lack of a formal complaint mechanism
  4. The lack of sufficient access to family and community

It is time that Barbados takes Juvenile Reform seriously and: remove archaic laws like wandering, institutions such as Government Industrial School from its mandate, and implore rehabilitative measures not only for the young ladies but for their families by extension.

Barbados News

Is prostate cancer killing Black men?



Photo by Nicola Fioravanti on Unsplash


Prostate Cancer is one of the leading cancers in the Caribbean as there have been 1.3 million new cancer cases and 666,000 deaths were estimated to have occurred in 2018 in Latin America and the Caribbean.

In an article published by the Pan American Health Organization, it stated that prostate cancer is a serious public health problem.

“Clearly, prostate cancer is a serious public health problem in the Caribbean, where a high incidence and mortality rates affect a predominantly black population with an ancestral, genetic predisposition to the disease. Many cultural and social norms are proving to be obstacles to prevention and control among Caribbean men.”

But why are Caribbean men falling susceptible to the effects of prostate cancer?

The argument can be made that many of the issues affecting Black Caribbean men date back to the hardships of slavery, and the diet of Black men in the Caribbean.

In an article titled Prostate Cancer in the Caribbean-African Community, it noted that African-Caribbean men have the highest risk of prostate cancer, which is the second most common male cancer worldwide.

 “In the UK, prostate cancer is the most common male cancer and the second most common cause of cancer death in men after lung cancer. In their current strategy, the UK Department of Health has addressed the impact of inequalities on cancer outcomes.

African-Caribbean ethnicity is a known risk factor for prostate cancer. Ethnic disparity in prostate cancer has become an important issue worldwide because of the higher incidence and mortality in the African Caribbean population. The National Cancer Institute defines ‘cancer health disparities’ as ‘adverse differences in cancer incidence (new cases), cancer prevalence (all existing cases), cancer death (mortality), cancer survivorship, and burden of cancer or related health conditions that exist among specific population groups in the United States.

The focus on identifying areas of research in ethnic disparity in prostate cancer is increasing. We have examined the current knowledge of epidemiological features and prostate cancer in the African-Caribbean community. African-Caribbean men have the highest risk of prostate cancer, which is the second most common male cancer worldwide. The authors present an overview of the epidemiology, genetic factors and disparities in the management of prostate cancer in the African Caribbean community.”

In the article, there is clear evidence of the difference in prostate cancer between Black and White men, as carried out in the research conducted by Niyukta Thakare and Frank Chinegwundoh.

“The management pathway of prostate cancer starts at the detection stage. Screening is a controversial issue and, although selective screening of high-risk groups seems reasonable, screening studies focused on ethnic minorities are lacking.

In the large screening trials, including the: Prostate, Lung, Colorectal and Ovarian (PLCO) Cancer Screening Trial, which constitute the existing evidence, ethnic groups including African-Caribbean men were under-represented. There is an ongoing argument for selective screening of African-Caribbean groups, and it remains to be seen whether it will become common practice. In the UK, the Prostate Cancer in Ethnic Subgroups (PROCESS) study investigated differences in prostate cancer between African-Caribbean and White men.

The study comprised a retrospective cohort of men diagnosed with prostate cancer in the London and Bristol areas over a five-year period. It concluded that African-Caribbean men were at a substantially higher risk of developing prostate cancer compared to White men, especially in the younger age group.

Several studies, particularly in the US, have queried the differences in disease presentation, tumour stage and tumour burden among ethnic groups. A systematic review of these disparities revealed that African American men present at a younger age and also have higher-risk disease and higher humour volumes. Similarly, the management of low-risk disease in African-Caribbean men has also been scrutinized. There is increasing concern regarding the role of active surveillance in low-risk prostate cancer in African-Caribbean men.”

There is still a lot of research to be conducted on why African-Caribbean men are being diagnosed with prostate cancer in such high numbers.

However, for the month of November countries around the world are asking men to get their PSA test and their regular prostate exams as early detection can lead to unwanted deaths of men from prostate cancer.

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Barbados News

Hurricane Elsa wreaks havoc in the Caribbean




July 2nd is a day that is forever ingrained in my memory.


It was the day that Barbados was hit by a Tropical Storm that intensified to a Hurricane. It was the first hurricane to hit Barbados in sixty-five years.

It’s hurricane force winds struck my beautiful homeland leaving our island in darkness.

I remember it well; it was mid-morning, and I heard the wind howling in the trees, it woke me up. I remember listening to the wind and saying “Elsa is here!”

Initially, my mom asked me if we had any water coming through the windows but through the grace of God, we were fine, no damage. Our home was intact, and we were fine despite being without electricity for seven days after the storm hit my beautiful island. It left our picturesque paradise with fallen trees, palings, damaged roofs and lives that would never be the same.

In an article published by Barbados TODAY on July 3rd, 2021, it noted that there were 1,178 initial reports of damage:

  • 2- flooding
  • 7- Water Damage
  • 13- Roads Impassable
  • 15- electric outage
  • 15- roof leaks
  • 60- fallen poles
  • 62- houses collapsed
  • 85- fallen trees
  • 89- house damage
  • 743- roof damage
  • 87- with other concerns

Since then, there have been further reported cases of structural problems to Barbadian’s homes. In a press conference held by the Government of Barbados a few days after the passage of Hurricane Elsa, there were 2,372 issues reported to the Department of Emergency Management, with 1,333 persons reporting roof damage and 326 individuals reporting other damage.

As of July 13th, 1,300 Barbadians were reported on the Barbados Light and Power Company to not have electricity in their homes.

Barbados was not the only country impacted by the fury of Tropical Storm Elsa, which has been confirmed as a Category One Hurricane.

In Jamaica, Prime Minister Andrew Holness in an article published with Nation News outlined that the impact of Tropical Elsa has been far reaching, and has cost the island $803 million Jamaican.

“The estimates for flood damage are very preliminary, as the storm ended on Sunday and the agency is continuing damage assessment to determine the cost for permanent repairs. The assessment, to date, is divided into two categories – cost to clean and clear roadways and drains of silt and debris and cost to make the roads accessible,” Holness told Parliament.

Regarding the cost to clean and clear roadways and drains of silt and debris, the preliminary cost has been put at $443 million. Another $360 million will be required to make affected corridors accessible. We are, therefore, looking at a total cost of approximately $803 million,” he added.

Holness said these costs are based on equipment time using standard rates and materials for filling washed-out areas. He noted that these costs cover: road clearance, drain cleaning, creating access and patching, adding that no costs for rehabilitation and other permanent repairs are included.

I must point out that the cost to clean and clear the roads and drains of silt and debris focuses on removing the physical obstacles on the roads and providing clear access for communities. Much of this has been done,” he said in an interview with Caribbean Media Corporation.

Moreover, the island of St. Lucia has sustained damage as well in a report by Caribbean Media Corporation. The Prime Minister Allen Chastanet estimated that the island suffered losses estimated at $34 million when the hurricane passed on Friday.

“The greatest amount of damage was in agriculture,” said Prime Minister Chastanet, flanked by Infrastructure Minister, Stephenson King and Agriculture Minister, Ezechiel Joseph.

Prime Minister Chastanet told the nation that Hurricane Elsa had also damaged several houses including the state-owned project in the heart of the capital, Castries.

Unfortunately, in St. Lucia individuals have died since the hurricane struck their country less than two weeks ago.

According to an article in the Associated Press, it is reported that one person has been reported dead in St. Lucia following Hurricane Elsa. In addition, a fifteen-year-old boy and a seventy-five-year-old woman died Sunday in separate events in the Dominican Republic after walls collapsed on them.

What is so heart-breaking about the reporting deaths in St. Lucia and Dominican Republic is that there was nothing the families could have done to save their loved ones.

Preaching about disaster management and prevention currently is insensitive. To these persons who lost their families, they will forever be reminded that less than two weeks ago a Tropical Storm that strengthened to a Hurricane took their loved ones from them and wreaked havoc in their homelands.

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Barbados News

Are multibillion-dollar industries promoting a major human rights crisis across the world? The issue of colourism




We have all heard the popular phrase, “It is not what you say but how you say it!” I believe this is especially true in the Caribbean. Many times we say things to others such as “Mi love ah browning, you dark as night, star-black, blackie chan etc,” without realizing that these phrases popular in the Caribbean are discriminatory and continue to perpetuate colourism.

This notion is why colourism in the Caribbean, which stems from the plantation society model, is still an on-going human rights issue because of how different colours of person are treated daily on the island.

In Jamaica, colourism is an issue throughout their community. The majority of Jamaican women find that the lighter they are the more they are accepted. Since the late 2000’s bleaching has been a common norm as Jamaican women think that they would be socially accepted in circles.

But why is colourism a human rights issue?

In an article by the United National Human Rights Office of the High Commissioner it stated that colourism leads to prejudice amongst persons of darker skin tones. “Sewell said that prejudice against darker skin tones has led to human rights challenges. Sewell recently launched a campaign in Jamaica to raise awareness of colourism among other human rights issues. The campaign called DarkSkinInJA uses social media to highlight the double standard and discrimination that happens to people with darker skin colour in Jamaica.”

The Jamaican Medical Doctor Association (JMDA) said that colour prejudice is one of the human rights concerns its members have noted in interactions between patients and medical staff.

In a booklet issued in June 2019 called “Health Care The “Rights’ Way: Centering Human Rights in Patients’ Care,” the association noted that patients with lighter complexions are treated more favourably than those with darker hues when seeking medical attention at public hospitals and clinics. In addition, the prejudice encourages harmful practices such as skin bleaching which 11% of the country’s population undertakes.” 

In June 2020, residents took to Kingston Jamaica in a Black Lives Matter protest. The protesters argued that the victims of police brutality, namely Susan Bogle and Mario Deane, had two factors in common: they were poor and they were dark-skinned.

Because of this, colourism is not only a Caribbean issue but also a human rights issue because persons are being treated unfairly because of the colour of their skin. It is deeply rooted in countries all around the world as many countries have bought into the European standard of what is beautiful.

It is not only in Jamaica that there are issues of colourism. In March this year, the Duchess of Sussex claimed that a member of the Royal Family was concerned with the colour of her son’s skin, which sparked international outrage.

In an article written by The University of Alabama it argued that in India, young girls are trained from a young age that fairer skin is desirable. “For generations, the Indian society has been brainwashed into the ideology that fairer skin is more desirable leading to the nation developing a multibillion-dollar skin lightening industry.”

The article charges that popular international companies also enhance the ideal of “lighter” being better as they offer lightening creams and soaps that can allow individuals to become “desirable” because of their lighter complexion.

The question arising out of this is are these multibillion-dollar industries promoting a major human rights crisis across the world?

Is what they are doing legal?

Should they be held accountable for any mistreatment that a dark-skinned person receives?

Should they be seen as perpetrators of colourism?

If the United Nations sees it as a violation of one’s human rights, then should international leaders put a policy in place to handle the issues that pertain to colourism especially as it relates to subpar treatment in various sectors primarily health.

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