“COVID-15! What the hell is COVID-15?”
Mo burst out laughing, and we continued laughing for about three minutes.
I was again dialoguing with another successful entrepreneur, who has utilized the pandemic as a platform to reach personal success goals, and to motivate others. The pandemic did not sway certified Personal Trainer, and Host of Health Your Own Way Podcast, Mo Akins. Instead she observed what was happening on a global scale, and decided that she was going to do what she could to help out.
“I decided to do a health podcast that talks about a variety of topics: mental health, sexual health, business health, financial health, physical health, and spiritual awareness health. As a personal trainer, I am asked a lot of questions, not all that I have answers to, so I decided to create a platform that would provide answers.
Health Your Own Way has been a journey for me. Although I am providing answers for my clients, I have been learning so much along the way. I realize that with knowledge, people can make informed choices about how to live healthier live. It has helped me understand my clients better, and provide support for them.”
When Mo saw the impact her podcast was having, she saw the pandemic as an excellent time to present what she was learning to a large audience.
“When Corona hit, I was seeing the societal devastation: mental health issues were on the rise, people were gaining that COVID-15, relationships were deteriorating. It was not a good time. That is what queued me. I knew that it was time to do this.
I came up with the idea of 6 Days of Your Health Virtual Summit. I saw it as a way to help people discover how to become stronger versions of themselves. In six days, I present 36 phenomenal professional panellists, all there to help attendees learn how to break through challenges that they are facing. The goal is to help people create the life that they deserve. The great thing is that the summit is absolutely free, with no strings attached. This summit is worth about $1,500, and it is completely free.”
For readers who are interested about what they are in store for, below is a layout of the topics that will be examined:
Saturday, August 22nd, 2020
Mental Health Panel
This pervasive, and prevalent topic is not going anywhere. More and more people are focusing on their mental health, and sometimes, you just need to hear something that will help steer you in the right direction.
Sunday, August 23rd 2020
Sexual Health and Education Panel
Unfortunately, the topic of sexual health is not discussed as much as it should be. How sexually healthy are you? What does sexual health look like for you?
Monday, August 24th, 2020
Spiritual Alternative Health Panel
During the pandemic, people were taking the time to get in touch with themselves, and many have turned to alternative medicine. How does living an alternative lifestyle look like for you?
Tuesday, August 25th, 2020
Business Health
Digital transformations; what are you missing? How did you look at your business plan before Covid-19? Certain questions needed to be answered.
Wednesday, August 26th, 2020
Financial Health
How financially healthy are you? Did you have at least three months living expenses saved before COVID-19 hit? If not, how do you prepare yourself better knowing that in life, anything can happen?
Thursday, August 27th, 2020
Physical Health
That dreaded COVID-15. From what I have heard, it could be called COVID-20, or even COVID-30. How do you get rid of that additional weight in a healthy way? How can you then start practicing a balanced lifestyle?
“I really want people to take advantage of this free event,” Mo tells me. “We actually have an all access VIP pass that gives guests an all-inclusive ticket to the event. The VIP pass will allow you to ask additional questions to our 36 outstanding guests.
Something that I do not want to do is forget our amazing sponsorship team:
It is with their help that this summit is going to be such a success. I invite the entire community to join us starting Saturday, August 22nd, 2020 as we launch the first ever 6 Days of your Health Summit.”
“How do I watch the summit you ask? Simply visit us at”
COVID-15, or Quarantine 15, happens to be the extra weight that has been put on because we were stress baking, stress eating, and not working out. Don’t worry; the summit will help take care of all of that.