BY SIMONE J. SMITH “The Creator Inclusion Fund is an amazing opportunity to shine a light on underrepresented Canadian creators and the work they’re doing every...
BY SIMONE J. SMITH Canada continues to acknowledge the discrimination and damages that its institutions have inflicted on Black employees. On March 6th, 2023, the government...
BY SIMONE J. SMITH Since their initial submission in January 2022, the City of Toronto has spent over a year convening experts, listening to people with...
BY SIMONE J. SMITH Literature is changing and some may say not for the better. Waterstones is under fire for nominating a book with an adult...
BY SIMONE J. SMITH The pandemic brought forth a lot of truths for us as a society. One of these truths is that working together on...
BY SIMONE J. SMITH Located in the Caribbean and easily accessible by plane, St. Kitts, along with its sister island Nevis, is widely regarded as the...
BY SIMONE J. SMITH “I was seen as being too lazy and stupid to learn. I was subjected to beatings and humiliation. I remember being told...
BY SIMONE J. SMITH The amount of pain that someone must be in to want to take their own life is something that is a highly...
BY SIMONE J. SMITH It seems like everyone has Mars on their mind these days; there was a point in time when if we spoke about...
BY SIMONE J. SMITH Hip hop has played a significant role in Toronto’s music scene for several decades, and it is why the story I am...