BY SIMONE J. SMITH “People without a certificate like me, we’re not a part of society anymore. We’re excluded. We’re like less valuable humans.” Nicolas Rimoldi...
BY SIMONE J. SMITH “For years, Black nurses have been afraid to speak out about the micro-aggressions, discrimination and racism they face within academic and workplace...
BY SIMONE J. SMITH The setting: the end of the American Civil War, which ended in 1865. It was a time when Black enslaved people were...
BY SIMONE J. SMITH You have been waiting to hear back about your Confirmation of Permanent Residence (COPR), but you have been told that they are...
BY SIMONE J. SMITH There were other girls that were leaving that day. They were already being processed in the main building. I was instructed to...
BY SIMONE J. SMITH “Freedom Convoy: Truckers cause chaos in Ottawa after second day of protests” BBC “So many angry people’: Experts say online conversation around...
BY SIMONE J. SMITH “That will be $102.75.” I looked at the two grocery bags that had about twelve items in it. I asked to take...
BY SIMONE J. SMITH While many families have enjoyed spending more time together during the pandemic, there are some relationships that have failed to thrive during...
BY SIMONE J. SMITH I want before you read this article to accept one very important fact; your internet usage is being monitored. Yep, there is...
BY SIMONE J. SMITH Dating back to the 1970s, research suggests that people have conversations to accomplish two major goals: information exchange (learning) and impression management...