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Bad Medicine: Death caused by protocols. What are they not telling us?




Mikki Willis is one of the people who tells it like it is. In his up-and-coming documentary named “Bad Medicine,” Willis takes dead aim at the satanic cult that is in operation as we speak. He is the filmmaker behind Plandemic, the most-seen documentary series in history, and is the director of Bad Medicine. He and his team have completed the interview process and are now in the post-production phase. Bad Medicine is slated for global release this summer.

This piece is about the tragic situations that have unfolded over the last four years and are still unfolding today. In American hospitals and hospitals globally, countless people have been harmed and killed under the disguise of treatment, and this is especially true of the elderly.

Speaking of the elderly, many of you reading this article can attest to what has happened to your: parents, uncles, aunts, and other elderly family members. Here are the words of a whistleblower. “I do not know of one death that was caused by COVID, every death in our unit was caused by protocols.” This came from someone who worked at a hospital at the time.

What’s worse is that driven by financial incentives, this medical genocide continues today. The architects of this evil agenda are as hard at work as they have been since 2020. Pediatricians are still pushing mRNA injections on toddlers and pregnant women are still being encouraged to take the vaccine when they visit many of these paid mercenaries called doctors.

This real-life documentary features people who barely escaped the hospitals with their lives. Healthy people were being tortured and killed by COVID-19 protocols. The deadly combination of the drug Remdesivir and mechanical ventilation has taken the lives of countless innocent people.

What is so real about Willis is that in his work as a filmmaker and investigator, he never does things halfway. In this documentary you can expect him to shed a bright light on many of the medical and Big Pharma scams. Scams like how hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectin were banned to make room for the vaccine, which was all part of the larger plan named depopulation, something Willis calls a modern-day horror story.

Like most of the work he has done over the last few years, I do not doubt that Bad Medicine will open some more eyes to the sad reality we live in today. Bad Medicine features the heartbreaking stories of victims, as well as tales from the lucky ones who managed to escape with their lives.

Willis said that the reason he has been so successful with his former documentaries on calling out this evil, is because his work is funded by the public, therefore, it is free of charge for the public to share as they see fit—no barrier to entry, and no return on investments. “I give my films away because I believe that people need and deserve them right now, so anything you can do to help us with this mission is greatly and deeply appreciated,” he said.

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