For those who are not familiar with the world of pageantry, it is easy to get caught up in the idea that the main focus of the event is about choosing the most beautiful girl on stage. For many years, beauty pageants have been hosted worldwide, putting on an outstanding display of poise, elegance, intelligence, grace and beauty. With a strong focus on empowering women, beauty pageants have always encouraged women to strive for confidence, sophistication and a passion to pursue their dreams while fighting for what they believe in.
Over the last few weeks, Canada has been host to forty of the most beautiful women from all over the world who have come to compete in the 42nd annual Miss Globe pageant. This is an enormous achievement for Canada, having the privilege to host their first international pageant, welcoming all of the girls into one of the most multicultural and diverse cities in the world. Founder Charley See established the Miss Globe Pageant in 1973. Miss Globe was started with the hopes of starting a tradition to bring people together, embracing the countries and cultures of the world as one big family. Each woman that competes, brings with her the cultures and traditions of her respective country. She becomes a cultural ambassador sharing the experience of her country with the other girls, in hopes of bringing everyone closer together.
The Miss Globe pageant has been held in Albania for the last eleven years and this is the first time they have ever been hosted by a country abroad.
“Hosting the Miss Globe world finals here in Canada is a great opportunity and I believe there is potential for Canada to be a world host,” shares producer and executive officer Mias Santa Ana Pilar. “It is hard and tiring and I hope that the government and public sector could be more involved in promoting a world final.”
Since their arrival, the girls have had the chance to take a tour of the city, enjoying a sampling of the food, sights and nightlife that the city has to offer. They have spent numerous hours in training, learning and refining their character to exemplify the grace and mannerisms of a queen. Pageantry isn’t all glitz and glam; it is a long and emotional road, filled with hours of hard work and dedication, while also embracing sisterhood and making everlasting friendships. At the end of the day, it doesn’t come down to which country is going to take the crown home, but which girl is going to make the biggest impact as a woman in society with her new status and platform.
The Miss Globe Pageant Finals took place on October 8th at the beautiful Rose Theatre in Brampton. It was a symbolic night, breaking boarders and bringing together all of the countries of the world. The evening commenced with a parade of the beautiful delegates dressed in their international costumes, which consisted of a selection of unique and traditional attire from their homelands. Miss Trinidad & Tobago, took home the title of Best National Costume, for her distinguished look in a Carnival Masqueraders Costume.
The Bikini Competition followed with the delegates confidently strutting their stuff in beautiful swimwear sponsored by Lavish Swimwear. All of the delegates were perfectly tanned and beach ready with Miss Lithuania taking the title of Miss Bikini.
Throughout the night the audience was able to enjoy performances by various talented singers and dancers while also enjoying a glimpse of the experiences the girls had the chance to enjoy while in Toronto. Winners for Mini-Competitions that took place before final night included Miss Disco Queen – Taiwan, Miss Karaoke – Germany, Miss Salsa Queen – Brazil, and Miss Talent was awarded to Miss Cuba. The girls as well as the public had the chance to vote for the winners of Miss Friendship – South Africa, Miss Cosmopolitan – USA, Miss Internet – Korea, and Miss Intercontinental – Miss Hong Kong.
All of the delegates showcased their very best catwalk wearing chic and classy selections from Elisabeth and Miss Runway was awarded to Miss Barbados. Finally the delegates displayed their poise and elegance with a collection of beautiful evening gowns with Miss Elegance going to Miss Czech Republic, before the selection of Top ten and Top five were announced.
Coming down to the wire, Miss France was announced as Fourth Runner-Up, Miss China – Third Runner-Up, and Miss Macedonia as Second Runner-Up.
The audience waited with baited breath on the edge of their seats as the final two Miss Philippines and Miss Albania stood center stage for the winner to be announced. The title of Miss Globe 2015 went to Ann Lorraine Colis – Miss Philippines! Last year’s titleholder Miss Globe 2014 – Jacqueline Wojciechowski crowned her as the new queen with a crown made special to commemorate Canada as the host country of this years pageant encrusted with rubies made specially by Pirro valued at $2,500.
Ann Lorraine Colis is an Accounting graduate from University of Santo Tomas. She is the first Pilipino to win the title of Miss Globe and the first among Binibining Pilipinas queens to compete abroad; this is also the first time for Binibining Pilipinas Charities, Inc. (BPCI) to join the Miss Globe pageant. Newly crowned Colis could not be more grateful for the immense support she received from Filipinos here and abroad throughout the competition.
The Miss Globe Pageant could have not been a success without the hard work and dedication of Mr. Petri Bozo, President of the Deliart Association and Mias Santa Ana Pilar, CEO of Miss Canada Globe Productions. They would like to thank all of the the sponsors who help to contribute to make the Miss Globe Finals possible, especially the Toronto Plaza Hotel, that made all of the delegates feel at home during their stay in Canada.
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