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Can’t Play God – The only people who are disturbing our planet are the ones who are pretending to protect it.




The understanding of climate change and its potential impacts has been developing for many years. That’s right, there is nothing new under the sun. Scientists have been studying the earth’s climate for decades and have gathered extensive evidence to support the existence of climate change and its link to human activities. That link is what we will be examining today, but from a different lens.

There is evidence that includes observations of rising global temperatures, melting glaciers, shrinking ice caps, changing weather patterns, and the increasing frequency and intensity of extreme weather events. If you do a simple Google, you will see that we have been dealing with these climate changes for a while now.

International efforts to address climate change have also been ongoing for years. The United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) was established in 1992 as a global response to the issue. Since then, several international agreements, such as the Kyoto Protocol and the Paris Agreement, have been developed to mitigate greenhouse gas emissions and adapt to the impacts of climate change.

While climate change has been recognized as a significant global challenge for years, for some reason, its urgency and the need for action have become more prominent in recent times due to the increasing severity of its impacts and the growing awareness among the public, policymakers, and businesses. Now, there are all of these publicized efforts to: reduce greenhouse gas emissions, transition to renewable energy sources, and implement sustainable practices. According to our world leaders, they are crucial to mitigating the effects of climate change and ensuring a more sustainable future.

Now, here is the kicker; there is overwhelming evidence that climate change in recent decades is caused by human activities. Yes, they have, but the attention has been directed to what we, the people of this world are doing, and not being focused on the activities of those who are pushing this climate agenda.

This week, I want to share with the community the concept of geoengineering. Deployed at large-scale, geoengineering technologies have come with far-reaching and profound social, political, and environmental risks and impacts. The effects would – by nature of the intervention – be transboundary as well as potentially large-scale, unpredictable and irreversible. There is a lot to say on this topic, but I want to speak to those individuals who do not believe that the government can tamper with our weather. This is not a conspiracy theory; everything that I am writing in this article can be researched, and I am doing all of this so that the citizens of this world can ask one simple question; are our world leaders playing God?

Geoengineering is the deliberate large-scale manipulation of an environmental process that affects the earth’s climate, in an attempt to counteract the effects of global warming. For over 45 years, proposals for deliberate, large-scale manipulation of earth’s environment (or geoengineering) have been put forward as ways to potentially offset some of the consequences of climate change. For example: whitening clouds, injecting particles into the stratosphere, or putting sunshades in space could increase earth’s reflectivity, thereby reducing incoming solar radiation and offsetting some of the warming associated with increasing GHG concentrations.

Traditionally, geoengineering has encompassed two very different things: sucking carbon dioxide out of the sky so the atmosphere will trap less heat, and reflecting more sunlight away from the planet, so less heat is absorbed in the first place. The best-known form of solar geoengineering involves spraying particles into the stratosphere, sometimes known as “stratospheric injection,” “stratospheric aerosol scattering,” and “chemtrails.”

Scientists have studied natural ways that the earth has altered itself. Soviet climatologist Mikhail Budyko is credited as the first to suggest we could counteract climate change by mimicking volcanic phenomenon. One said example is the massive eruption of Mt. Pinatubo in the summer of 1991, which spewed some 20 million tons of sulfur dioxide into the sky. By reflecting sunlight back into space, the particles in the stratosphere helped push global temperatures down about 0.5 °C over the next two years. There is evidence that huge volcanic eruptions in the distant past had similar effects. The explosion of Mount Tambora in Indonesia in 1815 was famously followed by the “Year Without a Summer” in 1816.

We are going to take a look at a couple ways that climate is being manipulated. Let’s start with Solar Radiation Management. Solar Radiation Management is a speculative form of climate change response. It is when you reflect some amount of incoming solar energy back into space before that energy can be trapped by the gasses that produce the greenhouse effect. Think of SRM like a reflective shield, artificially providing regional or global cooling.

Then as mentioned above, there is the injection of sulfate aerosols that brings about a series of concerns. There is the potential for increased concentrations of stratospheric aerosols to damage the ozone layer, especially in the early spring months at high latitudes. A sudden increase in stratospheric sulfate aerosol could strongly enhance chemical loss of stratospheric polar ozone for several decades, especially in the Arctic. I find this interesting because I remember when I was younger that there was a concern about the thinning of the ozone layer. They told us to stop using aerosols, but it is okay to spray sulfate aerosols into the air. Hmmmm?

All right! Let’s move on to another topic that is not readily discussed, and its implications, global dimming.

Global dimming is the gradual reduction in the amount of global direct irradiance at the surface of the earth. It is a concept that has been observed since systematic measurements began in the 1950s. It was coined by an English scientist working in Israel, known as Gerry Stanhill, who first spotted these effects.

There were measurements taken between the 1960s and the early 1990s, in collaboration with a wide range of data and independent studies, which showed that there was a substantial decline in the amount of the sun’s energy reaching the surface of the earth, hence global dimming. According to Gerry Stanhill, although global dimming effects varied from place to place, overall, the decline amounted to between 1% and 2% globally per decade between the 1950s and the 1990s. Global dimming is believed to be caused by the increase in particulates like sulfate aerosols in the atmosphere, all of which are attributed to human actions. Yep, the same actions were speaking about above. Peep that!

Global dimming, surprisingly, has an opposite effect to global warming as it produces cooling effects, so in essence, global dimming is beneficial to the environment, although it brings about elements of literal darkness on earth. The effects of global dimming vary by location, with some areas being badly affected than others.

The most interesting discovery that I made was the fact that wildfires are a key component to global dimming. I find it curious that this year we have an abundance of wildfires in Canada. The wildfires have become so severe that entire cities are literally staying in some sort of dim light for days due to the amount of smoke in the atmosphere. There have been reports that some of these fires have been set on purpose, all around the time that climate change is being pushed mainstream. Again, I say hmmmm!

Effects of Global Dimming

Let’s take a look at the effects of global dimming on our planet. I want you to pay attention here, because you are going to note that many of the effects are publicized as global issues; yep, global issues that are caused by our very own world leaders in their fight for climate change (cough, cough).

Effects on water

You know how we are always hearing about droughts; well, they are a result of the reflection of solar energy away from the surface of the earth, the water in the northern hemisphere is becoming colder. This is resulting in slow evaporation and the generation of far fewer water droplets. As a result of these, there is a reduction in the amount of rain reaching these areas of the globe causing drought and famine situations. The tragic consequences of these are miserable lives, disturbed marine life and deaths due to starvation

Drought in sub-Saharan Africa

It has been established that the drought and famine of The Sahel, which killed thousands in sub-Saharan Africa in the 1970s was largely due to global dimming. The profound drought was first blamed on farmers in the region for degradation of the land and desertification, but that idea has since been disproved and global dimming is understood as the leading cause.

Change in Overall Land Temperatures

Again, as a result of global dimming, which reflects solar energy and heat that was meant for the planet’s surface, the overall temperature on land goes down. Global dimming means there is a blanket in the atmosphere which prevents all the heat from the sun from reaching us. This results in colder days and an overall change in global temperatures.

Effects on Plants

Plants depend on light for photosynthesis. A decrease in sunlight or solar radiation will negatively affect photosynthesis in plants. The process in green plants uses light energy and converts water, carbon dioxide and minerals into oxygen and energy-rich organic compounds. Humans rely on the oxygen for survival, and so do other animals as well as bodies of water.

It counters Global Warming

Global dimming is believed to be counteracting the actual effects of carbon emissions on global warming. This creates a catch-22 situation from which in defeating one evil against the environment, means exposing ourselves to another. If efforts are made to reduce particulate emission causing global dimming, it will enhance global warming and increase the global temperatures to more than double, making the planet uninhabitable.

Let’s pivot a little bit. I know that even after reading what I have shared, there are going to be disconcenters who are like, “Well, they are doing what they have to do to protect us, and the planet, but I still don’t think that the government is manipulating the weather.” Well, if that is the case, why is there a treaty that is purposed to manage the use of weather change, especially if it is going to be used as a weapon? Let’s talk about it.

1976 Convention on the Prohibition of Military or any Hostile Use of Environmental Modification Techniques

The Convention on the Prohibition of Military, or any other Hostile Use of Environmental Modification Techniques (ENMOD Convention) is an instrument of international disarmament law specifically intended to protect the environment in the event of armed conflict. It prohibits hostile use of the environment as a means of warfare.

Countries are not to engage in military or any other hostile use of environmental modification techniques having widespread, long-lasting or severe effects as the means of destruction, damage or injury to any other State Party (Article I, para. 1).

They include a non-exhaustive list of phenomena that could result from the use of environmental modification techniques: earthquakes and tsunamis; an upset in the ecological balance of a region; changes in weather patterns (clouds, precipitation, cyclones and tornadic storms); changes in climate patterns; changes in ocean currents; changes in the state of the ozone layer and changes in the state of the ionosphere.

I know there is a lot to digest here. Take your time, because I have more for you. Our goal is to provide you with the information needed to manage the climate change agenda that is being shoved down our throats. The only people who are disturbing our planet are the ones who are pretending to protect it.   


1976 Convention on the Prohibition of Military or any Hostile Use of Environmental Modification Techniques

Solar Radiation Management

Causes, Effects and Solutions to Global Dimming

Climate Intervention

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