The government of Saint Vincent and the Grenadines made a recent press announcement through its Ministry of Health telling its citizens that they are monitoring a serious situation that’s developing internationally concerning a rapidly spreading new disease called the HMPV (aka Human Metapneumovirus).
As expected, international media are already parroting their well-rehearsed lines. These media outlets are saying: “The virus is taking over China,” “It is mysterious, that its origins are unknown,” and that “China is taking preventative steps like closing schools, plus hospitals are packed with cases too.”
CPH (aka the Caribbean Public Health Agency), recently put out a bulletin stating that Caribbean governments should start surveillance in light of tourism and travel concerns. Does this line remind anyone of 2020 and two weeks to flatten the curve?
The architects of these plandemics like to call the Caribbean -The Third World Countries and so that must be synonymous with stupidity, however, they are so wrong, because we are independent thinkers, and this is proving to be a stone in their shoes.
Founder of the DRP (aka Democratic-Republican Party) Anesia Baptiste is calling this recycled lie out in a big way on the island. “I would like to put you on notice. Ministry of Health of St Vincent and the Grenadines, CPHA, and you my dear people. The Human Metapneumovirus is not new, it is not mysterious, the Human Metapneumovirus does have origins and it’s a COVID-19 injection disease.”
Baptiste said that as early as February 2021, Pfizer was receiving complaints about injured people who took the bioweapon (aka the COVID-19 Vaccine). Pfizer did a post-authorization report of adverse events and in their findings; folks who took the Pfizer injection were infected with Human Metapneumovirus.
This document was not supposed to be public, but over time it was leaked and for some time now it has been making the rounds on social media, and alternative media, but no. Hell no! Third World Country folks are so stupid Pfizer thought their secret was safe.
What is not being said in the mainstream news is that now, many people are coming down with this so-called mystery illness and they have one thing in common: they all took the Pfizer injection. What an ungodly coincidence.
Baptiste had a word for Caribbean people, “Do not let them scare you into thinking again that you are going to have to take some test and some so-called vaccine mRNA injection that they called vaccine because of this new virus that is going around.”
For the Ministry of Health of SVG and CPHA she had these words, “Get this message clear; we are not stupid. We are not fools. Do not come to us with any nonsense. Look at Pfizer’s documents and you will see that this is a side effect of their COVID injection reported since 2021.”
As should be the case, I looked into Pfizer’s documents that were not supposed to make it to the public for the next 77 years or so, that is if Pfizer had their way. On page 35 of the 38-page release, I found the much-talked-about Metapneumovirus. I also searched the meaning, symptoms, and what can be done to prevent, or treat the so-called deadly virus, and what I found was indeed laughable.
Metapneumovirus is very similar to the annual, or common cold. Most HMPV symptoms are mild. They can include coughing, nasal congestion, runny nose, fever, sore throat, nausea, vomiting, and sometimes diarrhea.
Again, just like the common cold these usually go away in two to five days, but they can worsen and cause serious health issues in some cases like adults with other health issues, or a compromised immune system. Readers, does this sound like a disease worthy of a pandemic emergency to you?
There’s no specific treatment or cure. Most symptoms are mild and go away on their own.
Web MD amplified this agenda by saying, “Studies have shown that incidences of HMPV increased three-fold in certain countries after the COVID-19 pandemic. When COVID-19 prevention measures were in full effect, people were less exposed to all types of respiratory illnesses. After these measures eased, respiratory illnesses like HMPV surged.” Translation, these agenda-driven entities, and medical institutions are ready to scare humans once more, then take them back to the 2020 plandemic so-called prevention rules. After the last four and a half years, who is believing this? Who?
The planners of this recycled lie are now focusing on the Caribbean. The Pan American Health Organization, which is a division of the World Health Organization, is trying to spread fear throughout this region. They are warning the citizens of H5N1, and HMPV viruses.
Just like North America, most of the mainstream media outlets of these Caribbean Islands have been bought and paid for with strict instructions to broadcast these lies day and night to weigh down the inhabitants of the islands with fear. Meanwhile they are being guided to accept what is called a flu shot not knowing it is the same bio weapon of four and a half years ago just recycled to maim and kill them off.
What the Caribbean people need to understand is simple: if this enemy can kill and maim their people to reap the resources of the land, what do you think their plans are for you? They have used the same bioweapon on their people who are now dying in droves as a result. Do you think they are concerned about the health of Caribbean people? Let me remind you for the 100th time, Bill Gates’s former wife said, “BLACK PEOPLE should get it first,” I am speaking of the COVID bio-weapon injection.
Barbados Operation Liberation has warned the public about this nefarious plan to depopulate the Caribbean. Here is a piece of this warning.
The ingredients in the flu vaccine would not even be approved for animals, yet this vaccine is being promoted by the Pan American Health Organization and the health authorities across the region, who are being paid by the same Pan American Health Organization.
Triton X-100 is one of the components of this injection. This is the bio- weaponized strain of H5N1 Avian flu. When injected in a flu vaccine it remains dormant until the subject comes within proximity of a specific frequency fueled by 5G technology.
From the router in your home, your business, or cell phone, anything can activate this particular strain in the TritonX-100 ingredients. While this may seem like a tin foil idea, this is exactly how COVID-19 bio-weapon mutations were spread across the populations of the universe. It is important to note that this can only happen if an individual has taken the injections in question.
According to Barbados Operation Liberation this new so-called flu vaccine that is being pushed by the Pan American Health Organization and the Caribbean health authorities across the region has a 60% kill rate and is 10 times more deadly than COVID-19 injections.
The plandemic criminals have now set their sights on ocean-front properties, and so the Caribbean people are to be eliminated. Caribbean people at home as well as in the diaspora be aware! This is war against our people, and you are being put on notice.
We the people of the Caribbean need to be vigilant and dismissive of these lying globalist evildoers hiding under the umbrella of health care.
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In his new role as a reporter and Journalist, Michael can he be described in two words: brilliant, and relentless. Michael Thomas aka Redman was born in Grenada, and at an early age realized his love for music. He began his musical journey as a reggae performer with the street DJs and selectors. After he moved to Toronto in 1989, he started singing with the calypso tents, and in 2008, and 2009 he won the People’s Choice Award and the coveted title of Calypso Monarch. He has taken this same passion, and has begun to focus his attention on doing working within the community.