BY: VALERIE DYE Some Canadian statues recognize the existence of a common-law spouse as well as the existence of a legally married spouse. Where a person...
BY: VALERIE DYE A predatory marriage is a marriage where one person tricks another person into marriage, for the sole purpose of making financial gains. The...
BY: VALERIE DYE In Canada married couples who are divorcing divide their assets through the process of equalization. This is a process whereby both parties calculate...
BY: VALERIE DYE It is fairly well known that property owned by two persons as joint tenants (or jointly) attract the right of survivorship. This means...
BY: VALERIE DYE Can a court order that upon termination of a marriage one spouse should be awarded less than half of the value of the...
BY: VALERIE DYE Quite often one spouse may choose to transfer his or her property to children in an effort to defeat or avoid an equalization...
BY: VALERIE DYE Blended families may be faced with significant issues when a spouse dies especially where one or both spouses have children from previous marriages...
BY: VALERIE DYE The term ‘Blended Family’ is used to refer to married couples who have children from previous relationships. This type of family often presents...
BY: VALERIE DYE Living in today’s globalized world has given rise to the not uncommon scenario of persons dying and leaving assets in several countries. When...
BY: VALERIE DYE When a person dies owing debts, these debts do not disappear. Creditors need to be paid out of the deceased’s estate before any...