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Challenges, conflicts and tensions continue to surface at the Peel District School Board




Arleen Huggins issued the investigation into the Peel District School Board’s compliance with the Minister’s binding Directions on March 13th, 2020.

As a lawyer with expertise in human rights, her 27-page report highlighted specific areas of concerns with respect to the dysfunction at the PDSB. The report was sent to the Minister on May 15th, 2020.

It raises some significant and disturbing revelations from her investigation. In her report, which took less than three weeks from the time that she was asked by the Minister of Education, Stephen Leece on April 27th was complete and thorough.

As part of her investigation, she was able to gain access to: Board’s minutes, transcripts, emails and communication with the 12 Trustees and senior board officials. She interviewed the Chair, Vice-Chair, Director of Education, Peter Joshua as well as two Trustees: Kathy Macdonald and David Green as well as the mediator retained by the PDSB.

The focus of her investigation was not on all of the 27 Ministerial Directions but on: one, six, seven, eight, twelve and sixteen.

  • Direction one was to, “Identify, address and resolve dysfunction between and among members of the Board and between members of the Board and the Director of Education and Associate Directors” and required a Mediator or conflict resolution expert.
  • Direction six requires the Board to create and implement a mandated Learning Plan for Trustees.
  • Direction seven focused on creating racial diversity of the Board.
  • Direction eight requires the Board to, “Retain an expert to conduct a robust and transparent appraisal of the Director of Education’s performance relating to addressing anti-black racism, Islamphobia and other pressing areas of equity, as well as board governance and human resources practices.”
  • Directions twelve and sixteen focuses on the independence and neutrality of the HRCO within the Board and the development of an Anti-Racism Policy.

In her investigation, Ms Huggins was able to uncover significant problematic and troubling areas of: friction, tension and challenges between two Trustees who have been at the forefront of advocating for social justice and racial equity for racialized and students of colour and the other ten Trustees.

There has been a lot of coverage in the local press and mainstream media about these challenges, conflicts and tensions between the director of education and the Superintendent of Equity who is on medical leave.

Ms.Higgins reported, “There is no evidence that the Board has a willingness to engage in the necessary work to gain an understanding.” In addition, she wrote that the board has,” Failed to understand that its mandate includes engagement with communities, and respectful collaboration particularly with black communities are essential to move forward and out of the current crisis of non-confidence.”

Her strongest criticism was directed at the Director of Education Peter Joshua. “He has not demonstrated the necessary capacity to lead the implementation of the directives nor in some cases did there seem to be any sense of urgency.” In her summary, she notes, “The dysfunction at the Director’s office remains unaddressed, and I have seen no evidence of a plan to resolve the issues underlying the dysfunction. The Director of Education has not demonstrated the necessary capacity to lead the implementation of the binding directions.”

On Monday, June 8th, Minister of Education, Stephen Leece spoke on the update, “As outlined in the Education Act, I am required to provide a final opportunity for compliance from the board. My expectations are clear; the board must change, or I will take further action. We cannot and will not sit idle while families and students continue to feel isolated, victimized and targeted.”

He has given the PDSB a last chance to collaborate and formulate a plan by June 22nd. If there is no progress made, he will have no choice but to send in a supervisor to take over the board.

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