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Personal Development

Change Makers


I ask you today, “Are you a changemaker?”

And maybe you ask yourself, “What does that actually mean?”

A change maker is somebody in life that is consistently moving forward in life. They are making adjustments in their life, they are learning new things, they are gathering knowledge, they are meeting new people, and most of all, they are trying to change, they are forging through life creating change.

Are you one of those people? Do you like to experiment with life? Do you like to try new things? Do you like to challenge yourself? Change makers in the world are the people that develop new products. They’re the people that help create new things that help empower people. They’re the people that push boundaries in life to potentially

Change makers in the world are the people that develop new products. They’re the people that help create new things that help empower people. They’re the people that push boundaries in life to potentially honour or enhance some things. It’s all about the movement forward.

I was once told by a mentor, “If you’re not growing, you’re dying,“ because nobody can stay stagnant. Nobody can really stay in one place, would you agree? We are either moving forward or moving backwards, or maybe it’s looking backwards, but really all you can do is keep moving forward.

So, what are you doing in your life in order to grow, or to change, or to move forward? Now it doesn’t have to be on this intense level of chaotic change, it just means moving almost like a tortoise if that’s your style, forward through change. Evaluating, deciphering, but continuing to move. Change is the only thing we can really count on to happen. It’s the consistent player that keeps showing up in life.

If you take a look at the world today, we are only in existence with all the things we have because someone chose to change. Someone chose to experiment and push the boundaries. Someone said, “The world is not flat it’s round, someone said we will be able to fly, or that we will drive cars.” Of course, I could go on and on about this but really you know what I mean.

Think about this, we are at the end of our life, contemplating life, and we look at ourselves and say, “Did we actually make a difference?” “Did we push through the things that we were supposed to?” “Did we learn through the experiences?” and “Did we really, truly live?”
And I really believe the definition of a change maker is those who are living. That they live every day and, it may not be that skydiving intensity day, but every day they continue to move and grow and take the small steps to change in life and to experience life.

So, I challenge you today to go out and be a change maker. Lead the way and the path in something that you’re passionate about. Keep attached or aligned with those things in your life that are important. And keep making a difference in people’s lives.

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