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Charlie Clips

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A few weeks ago, I had the chance to sit down with Charlie Clips a Battle Rapper from the US. To start this off right, I watch a lot of battle rap, and Charlie Clips has always been my favourite, because of his lyrical wordplay and the ability to be witty while destroying opponents with Heavy Bars. Let me set the scene. I walk into the venue for the King of the DOT show and as I walk in there standing to my right is Charlie Clips, watching the other competitors battle and enjoying himself. I greet him and he treated me like he knew me, as if we had met before. “How you doing fam.” No Hollywood attitude whatsoever, I am amazed. We strike up a conversation and I tell him that my favourite battle was when he rapped a whole verse about oranges and then in the wittiest way possible he proceeds to give oranges to his opponent. We have a laugh and then I asked him if he would mind if I asked him some questions for an interview. He says no problem and then seeks out a spot for us to sit down and do the interview. Before we start, we shoot the breeze and then we get down to business.

How did you get your start in battle rap? “I started rapping when I was seventeen at Washington Irving high school. In the lunch room; that was when I first started rapping. I saw I had a gift and went for it, but Battle Rap, I got thrown into the pit with wolves. My first ever battle was against Fred the God Son.” Now mind you Charlie Clips never told me who won this battle, but for this to be the start of his battle career is an amazing shotgun start This set things into an interesting direction.

What was one of your biggest mess ups and how did you recover? “That is a good question. Against Sirious Jones. I was talking to the ring card girl and she flipped on me and then went over to Sirious Jones, and then I flipped it back on both for her going over there.” Most of the battles I have watched of Charlie Clips, he has had to take some potentially bad situations and flip into something in his favour. And what a joy it is to watch him do it. Just when you think he is backed into a corner, here comes Charlie Clips with the comeback.

What advice would you give to any young one coming into the game? “Stay grinding, stay hungry, don’t let the money change you, know your worth. Main ingredient, study, study, the opponent, the art form and the views.” He quipped later that he doesn’t take his fame too seriously and that he just enjoys everything that he is doing.

How do you prepare for a battle? “Start making rounds with a week or two, because of pressure. My best bars come with pressure. I think of the craziest stuff. If it’s too early, then I can’t get in my zone.” As he responded, I reminisced on all the times I had procrastinated and was still able to pull a rabbit out of the hat, with some type of lucky break.

What’s in the future for you? “Hopefully more success, being more blessed.”

After an amazing experience with my favourite battle rapper, I wrapped up the night watching a few more battles before heading home. For me, a night to remember. Charlie Clips is an amazing man, with a knack for humour while embodying the soul of a ruthless yet witty battle rapper. To sum it all up, work hard, enjoy what you do, but don’t take yourself too serious.

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