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Church prelates promoting vaccination is misleading the nation and must repent!



Photo by Alex Shute on Unsplash


In a sweeping alter-call, the Secretary Bishops of the Byzantine Catholic Patriarchate made a heartfelt plea to three “Judas Priests” who are using the church’s office to promote a “Satanic Injection” asking them to repent and change their evil ways in order to escape God’s judgment.

The bishops urge Slovakians to rise up and spit in the faces of Zvolenský, Bober, and Babjak, who have sold themselves to the devil. Like serpents, deceitfully leading astray trusting souls onto the path of temporal suffering and eternal destruction.

According to the bishops these disciples of Satan whose only mission is to erase humans from this planet have no place in the church, not to mention hold these high religious offices.

Here are some of the media regurgitated sentences that some of these so-called priests use to convince their congregation to get injected.

“We are witnessing a rise in Covid infections and deaths alongside a growing number of exhausted medical staff, which may cause an imminent collapse of hospitals.” This quote is from one named Bober. He went on to tell his audience that, “We are convinced that vaccination can greatly help in stopping the pandemic and saving thousands of human lives.”

Another priest named Babjak told his flock, “By getting vaccinated, we protect both ourselves and others, as our holy father Francis said, getting the vaccine is an act of love toward others.” 

This is what the third member of these “Judas Priests” named Zvolenský had to say about the experimental injection openly, “Let us pluck up courage and take this step of love toward others, the weak, the vulnerable. We urge priests to spread the right word, raise awareness in favour of vaccination and adhere to the hygiene rules.”

The following is from a letter, which the bishops have asked Toronto Caribbean Newspaper to make public. This statement was sent to an Archbishop in response to his teachings on the injections.

Dear Judas Archbishop Stanislav, your words “Let us pluck up courage and take this step” urge people to commit physical and spiritual suicide! You urge priests to spread the right word and raise awareness, but if any priest began to do so, you would immediately punish him.

Do you not know that an international alliance of physicians backed up by over 12,700 specialists held a symposium recently in Rome against Covid terror? Do you not know that there was a demonstration in Prague on Sunday November 14th, organized by the Parallel Medical Chamber? Upstanding doctors laid down their medical coats outside the Department of Health in protest and placed a banner on them saying, “You are lying!”

It is important to note that evil knows no boundaries and these days more than ever this is evident almost everywhere, even in the church.

Some so-called preachers, Pastors, and Priests have all of a sudden become “injection experts”, but this is just the beginning. When Pope Francis is in support of this “injection” it should come as no surprise that his disciples are just following the leader.

A leader that the bishops who wrote this letter are certainly not impressed with in the least. Here are some opening words the Secretary Bishops of the Byzantine Catholic Patriarchate has for Pope Francis, “Dear pseudo-Pope, the whole world knows, and you yourself certainly know it too, that you have one foot in hell. Through the BCP, God is urging you to take one last chance to repent publicly of your spiritual crimes against God, the Church, and humanity.”

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